Buffalo Courier Express from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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Buffalo Courier Expressi

Buffalo, New York

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20 BUALO COURIER EXPRESS Saturday Nov 10 1962 Commodity Markets 1 1 I THE NEW i YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TABLE High Low 'a 304 Bid As El 75 19416 6 Not COMMODITIES 9 i Z110 60xd 38 1 45 73 pf V4 sugar to 10 higher 18 2 21 28 Vs 239 239 54 38 42 60b Spot 3 860 860 860 120h ia closed 26 5V4 22 36 34 Vr 27V 2 4g higher 34 closed 20 to 30 24 1 1 janj 103 ozOj vjlMar 61 45 6215 3 May 6150 6215 6165 6210 14 2a 6 19 26 Print 140 3254 York 105 147 1 145 Xerox Cp 1 1938 10 34 18 Nov I 2651 10512 1 1i 16 16? to 25 49 50 1 80 a 37 37 3 66b 15 57 2 lour ana per 10 Ch per 7 23 11 208 2 2 358 6 40 MUTUAL UNDS 2 34 348 80 40 13' 26 14 2 38 38 360 2 15661 6 32 3234 40b 6 39 Kennedy 14 15 323 i6 45 1 84 40 29 24 Close 280 Stk 10234 103 101 Vi 5 able Vs 2634 27 19 5 10 96 198 7134 16 12 18 12 3 39 123! 12 3 10r 219 450r 11 27 6 '16 Grth 8 1501 1155 69 1 '2 163 8 i 9914 10 2 42 7 83 550 46 185 155 14 '8 12 7 14 18 a8 122 2 168 16 14 Warnings Reports 16 143i 22'2 73 34 Oil 160 130 ia Quak Oats 220 59 60 177 3 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to 5 42 26 25 13 35 33 21 31 50 27 14 2234 70 934 9 32 16 10 31 21 9 164 21'2 28 30 112'2 20 50 Eagle 1 20 tasi East East East East Eaton Mfa 180 Edis Br Str 2b Ekco Pd 110 Elas Stop 1b El Auto 240 El 120 IJLMus 16 El Stor Bat 220a 9 47 tiecr ASSOC Elgin Watch I 9 El Paso NG 1 166 bmer ei io Emer Rad 10r Emery Air 80 tmp ci im End John End John pf 2k Engel Ind 80 Equit Gai 185 Erie Lack Erie Lack pf Eurofund le Evans Pd Eversharp 120 Ex Cell 0 160 10 17 22 31 34 29 31 114 51 21 13 50 23 58 Va 52 8 NEW Press 35 commodities riday weex High High High High 32 22l 22 to 2534 23 to 15 27 24 38 1A1 32 29 36 3 42 38 3734 38w23 2 15 16 36 27 15 to 23lVe 70 9 to 8 9 32 16 11 to 32 to 21 to 17 10 to 17 22 j31 '29 7 9 to 38 56 14 17 734 190 IX 26 39 14 40 zX 36 ZX 12 9 8 CHICAGO Nov 9 grease was 6 cents Thurs 2 High 3350 33 05 3190 closed tAkeri: Nominal Rubber utures NEW YORK Nov 9 Rubber ard futures 9 contracts 51 2 7 to 46'4 253i 20'4 2634 47 46 41 51 19 29 13 12 70 7 2534 6 11 NT 80a2 13 Niagara Mich 450a 89 64a 1V4 Roblin (A) 1 36 6 3534 28 '4 48 3138 92 28 18 40 95 10334 37 16 6 45 34 31 29 1'2 8 I6V415 17 2 rto 100 21 28 16 20 15 18 4 34 24 33 1681000 9 150 Co for year ended 110770 Dividend PaymentPe Stk of Pay ware noa wecora Life Stk Loom SC I nnm Sav MANAG UND: Elects Gen Ind Metal 1 Paper Petrol Sped Trans Mass Tr Mass Gth Mass Life MedSec MI MI Gth Morton Gt Morton Ins Mut Mut Mut Nat Nat NAT SEC Balan Bond Divide Pf Stk Income Stock' Grwth New Eng New Hor NY Capit NCE Sh One WmS Oppen Penn Sq Peoples Phila Pine St Pioneer Price TR Provident Puritan Putnam Put Grth Quar Dist Resch Inv Revere Scud Scud Scud Selec Sharehl Share Am Smith Ed Sw Inves 2934 23 137 361 357 90 il are unofficial 1 tne foregoing Ante fn i 8 64 77 3 2 250 3 2X 2 39 Z110 16 32 IX 1 47 to Gabriel Gamble Sk Gar Wood Gar Wd pf Garrttt 150 Gen Accept 1b Gen Acc pf Am Invei 30 Am 011 400 Am Tran lU Gen sax Gen Bak pf Gen Banc 40 Gan Cable 2 Cbl pf 4 Gen Cigar 150 Cont in Controls lie can pyi Gen Els Gan Gen Gen Gen GenMotors 2axd i Mot 5 pf 5 Mot pf 375 Gen Out Ad 130a Gan PCem 120a Gen Prec 120 Gen PubSv 3ta Gon PubUt 1 JOB 160b 160a80b warrants When na inbai under 19 52 Z70 39 29 21' 2 3434 44 31 27 30 2334 7i4 16 23 Cotton utures LOW 3360 3405 3408 3295 2953 2950 30X unchanged Cal nl Cal Pack 75 Cellah Mng Calum 40 Camb Lk 40 Camp Soup 2X Can Dry 1 5 Cdn Brew 40Cdn Pac 150Carborun 160 Carey Phil 160 Carlisle 40 Caro 164 Carpen Stl 120a Carrier 160xd 45e Carter Pd 1 Case JI Case 7 pf Case 2d pf Cater Trac 1 Ceco Stl 120 Celanese 160 Celotex 25p 'Celotex pf 1 Cenqo In 50e uen Cen Cen cen Cen Cen Cen Cen rn Century Ind 40b 17 cerro up mud Cert3teed 60 Cessna Air 1 Chad Goth Chain Belt 160 Champ pap LX cnamp dp iau Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am Am AmM dy 90 Am Met Cl 140 Am Met Cipf425 Am MelPd 1 Am Mot 80b Am NGas 120 Am News 1 Am Optical 2b Am Photo 33 Am Potash 20 Am Rerch 6 le Am Seating L60xd 7 Am Am Am Am So Afr 40 Am Std 80 Am Sug pf 175 Am Tel Tel 360 Am Tob L50 Am Tob pf 6 Am Viscose 2 Am Wk 1 Am WW 6pf L50xd 1 Am zinc jUD Ametec 160a AMP Inc 35 Ampex Cp Borg 80 Amsted 160 Anaconda 150e Anae Anch HG 140 Ander uiayr Apco Oil Arch Dan 2 Anz Sv 80 Armco Stl 3 Armour 140 Armst Ck 160O Arm Ck nf 375 Armst Rub 140 6 Aro uorp Arvin Ind 1 Ashl Oil LX Assd DryG 140 Assoc 1nv 260 Atchison L20a Atchison pf 50 Atl City El 136 AH Cst Line 2 Atl Refin 740 AH 'Ref pf 375 Z70 Arias Atlas Atlas Auto Avrn Avnet El 40b Net Low Last Chg Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac Packaging 80xd Pack Bell PanAm Sul 1 Pan AWAir 80 Panh EPL 2 Param Pict 2 Parke Da la Peab Coal 56 PeabCl pfl25xd Pendleton lb 80 Penn Dix 140 Pennrt 45p Penn of2'34 Penney JC 120a 17 Hennsaii oua PaG Sand 1 132 pf450 Pa pf440 Pa RR 25g Peooles Drua Peoples Gas 164 31 ijue Pepsi Cola 140 Perktn Elm Perm Cem 70 Pet Milk 1 Petrol Cp 85e PfaudPer 80xd Pfeiffer Br Pfizer 80 Phelps 3 Phil El 120 Ph El pf 380 Phil Rda lb Philip Mor 360 20 rmi Anor pi4 Phill Pet LX PhilVanH 275t Pillsbury 150 Piper Aire 1 Pitnev Bow 80 uoke zuexa i org 4be tW pf 7 Plate 220b Steel WVa 27 39 39 26 21 173 13 22 27 18 2 18 29 26 6 3 3 2 29 2 2 19 10 74 18 40 28 144 27 46 138 128 55 2934 33 48 25' 254 12 25 25 20 15 14 17 24 26 1334 32 Iron By Jaye Ex Jellicoe Joburke Jonsmth Joutel Jowsey Keeley Ker Ad Kilemb Kirk KirkTw 15 LabM 2350 lk Durr Lk Osu Lk Shr Lamaq Langis Lat Am eitrh Lencourt 9 Lac 165 Long Pt 20 Lorado IX Lyndhst 13 Macass 345 MacDon 17 MacLd 115 Madsen 218 8 75 21 13 49 52 lai Gth lat Mut nd Mut oursqua Ibnd Com Pf Ut 23'4 5534 20 9'2 1534 39 734 9 Wheat Markets ec 2 34 High 28 40 27 50 ribbed smoked 35 17 321 5 1 INVESTING NEW YORK (AP) National Associa tion Securities Deal ers4 Iric Mar Sept Sinnt No Nominal Potato utures MCA vnotc Klnv 9 i Iaaa4 if Excnangcj ividine uujcu cem nigner oaic nk nk nk und Am und jinv Gen Inves GROUP SEC: AVAL I Cap Gr Com St ul Ad Gen Bd Petrol Grth Ind Guardn Ham hc7 Ham hdaK Haydock Imp Cap Imp Inc nd Inc Bost Incocp Inc Incom Inv INSTIT SHRS: ouna Grwth Income Int 4 Resour 394 Inv CoAm 898 Inves Bos 1600 1093 Mut Stock Sleet Var Pay 569 615 Invlnt Con 533 576 '36 184 129 I 4 11 26 '469 l39 69 11 28 53 19 917e 102 1X 3334 36 48 14 26 21 to 32 4534 27'2 3 9 102 31'4 29 16'4 24 2434 2434 31 28 46 2 5 9 18 Z32O 25 1 13 2 5 Z4X 3 11 xio 8 18 189 Z610 5 9 79 10 24 28 21 47 24 12 11 20 40 17 21 46 39 11 31 5 29 9 33 28 31 2 193i 35 3234 Nov Am Precision Art Metal Bk of Buffalo Barcalo Bison Boss Lin 40a Carhart Cert 60a Con Bowl Cooper 6a Crescent NC Custom Craft Diebold Dustex Corp Dynacolor Elec 60a Ex 95 Garlock 75 Gen Ab la 5 15 Hard Mfg lot Int Ins Bflo Lib Bk 16015 ext Lin Nat 140a2 6 30 26'4 168 28 43 21 9 4034 41 0 41 47 46 47 to 85 2' 14V1 12 23 19 31 39 2 2 2234 3934 42 105 Majtran Malart Manoka Marboy Marltme Martin Mattag 900 Me Int 4175 McKen McMar McWatt Medal Mentor Merrill Met Ura Midcon Midrlm Mill rv Min Cp 1X7 Mt Wr 40 Murphy 255 Murray 105 Nama Cr 7 Nat Exp 5 NewAlgr 4 New Cal 24 Newcon 375 Dvles 10 New Hos 81 New Jasn 6 Ke lore Newlund 15 Newnor 19 Senator NewTak 12 Nick MS 4h 1 Nick Rm 35 i Nisto 5 Norcan 260 i Norpac 11 Northcal 8 OU 115 Do wt 30 Cldstr 48 7134 9 40 13 42'4 23 23 43 35 4 97 3 Z40 3 17 6 Pit Pittsston Co 120b 1 Pittston pf 350 Z60 riougn eu Polaroid 20 Poor Co 1 PotomEiPw 144 4 Proct 150 PubSvColo 80 PubSv 220 7 pf528 pf550 pf430 of 140 PubSvlnd lXxd PS In pfL08xd PS In pfl04xd Publick Ind 37t 160 Pug Sd Pt 1 Pullman 140 Pure 24 26' 'a 13 23 25! 8 34 45 109 163'8 36 2 100 47 54 32 834 23 oov 29 28 29 51 52 25V2 40 to 23 94 2 7 28 28 48 3034 92 264 40 95 103 16 23 83'4 3334 20 20 22 '3 8 903 16 39 23 61 12 28 16 2734 9 53 21 30 12 357 112 112 27 129 57 19 to 1 20 Va 35 38 1 14 to 29 29 to 23 ho 1 27 i $to 834 xz4 100 100 49 1434 8 to 22334 3 Hall Hallibur 240 Hallicarft Ham Wat pf 4Hmd Org la HannaCo 75e Harb Walk 180 Harb Wk pf 6 Harcourt 50 Harris Int 120b' Harsco 140b Harshaw 1 Hart 140 Harvev Al 120 Haveg Ind 45e IS nayes ma a Hazeltine 80 Heinz 1 Hel Curt A 80 Heller 40 Helme 16 Here Pdr HershChoc Hertz 120 Hess Heublein 40b Hew Robins 1 Hewlett Pk Heyden 86 Mill Tn Hilton Hot lXxd 65 Hof Elect Holland Holly Sug 140 Holt 50a Homestk 160 Hooker Ch 1b Hook pf 425 Hoov Ball 60a Hotel AmRbUd hsd lb House in 140 House pf 440 Houst 180 How Johnson Howe Snd 37t Hud Bay 3 num Hupp Huss 124 10 19 6 68 42 40 Z10 92 25 25 iy 17 184 4 LGAL NOTICE MOUNT VERNON SEWER DISTRICT TOWN HAMBURG Notice of annual lrrtnn tha voters of the Mount Vernon Sewer District of the Town of Hamburg: Take notice: that the Annual Election of Sewer Commissioner will be held at the Club Rogers Road at Morgan Parkway in the Mount Vernon Sewer Dis trict of the Town of Hamburg on Tuesday December 4 1962 between the hours of 1 PM and 9 PM One Sewer Commissioner is to be elected for the term of three years to begin on January i 1963 to fill the expiring term of Albert Bell Commissioner Pursuant to Subdivision 20 of Section 215 of the town law the Board of Sewer Commissioners heretofore adond a rasoln I tion that' all candidates for the office of Sewer Commissioner shall file their namea with the Secretary of the Board of Com missioners at least 10 days prior to the date of the district election In order that a candidate's name may appear on the bal lot it will therefore be necessary that hia name be filed with John A Meyer 508 Mt Vernon Blurt Mamhnrg th eu0J4urT on or oeiore xxovemoer ivo in oraer to oe engioie 10 vote election it is necessary that you elector nf the town and nhall have in the Mount Vernon Sewer District for a period of 30 days next preceding the elec tion and vou must also be the earner of property within such district asset upon the last preceding town assessment roll Dated Hamburg New York November I 1962 BANK CLEARINGS Compiled by Bflo Clearing House Open 33 60 34 05 3408 33 29 70 2955 30 ilddUna Snot Nominal Bid Raw sugar spot 640 JAsked Bid "Nominal Coffee utures NW YORK Nov 9 Coffee Santos No 4 ex dock closed at 133:375 Cost and freight offerings include Santot Bourbons js ar xjjsu futures 13 contracts Close 0357B J34XB 3406B 3293B 2958 2954B 29 MB Sales (hds) 18 17 5 3 2 20 17 3 60 7 34 1 340 1 1 I 286 4 293 282 71 1 39 to 69 to 12 39 9 23 18 26 21 to 72 21 10 I Cash Buffalo cars estimated fnr northern spring 14 262 fob Buffalo No 1 hard winter 252 fob Phil Chi Inv Resch 1027 1122 Istel 3171 3234 i Johnstn 1199 1199 VPYCTflN: Cus Cus Cus Cus Cus Bl B2 B4 KI K2 SI Cus S2 Cus S3 Cus S4 Assn 29JOOOXOO' 25 700 OX 304XOXOO 26a 116020e Std family Std bakers irst clears Carlots fob Buffalo yo oran Std mids SNOW BLOWERS With All Best eatures ACT NOW OR BEST PRE SEASON DEAL I 25 to 29 297'8 338 22 9 35 20 12 31 38 34 17 13 26 18 79 5 36 35 36 14 29 5934 59 41 70b 70 40 Stein CA £VI7 40 1 sterl Inv 1079 1166 1 1 eiev Texas 39 2 to 30' 14'2 9 to 76 2 8 to 18 to 29 4 6 4 12V2 8V2 14 Salas (hds) P5 140b 128 62 15 20 15 35 11 16 9 190 26 Xd 5 5 13 2 29 20 45 GRAIN CHICAGO Open WHEAT Dec Marl May: Juld Sep' CORN Decs Marl Mayf Jul Sep OATS Dec Marf 8 45 74 108 28' 2 29 24 burns bros 529 MAIN AT GENESIS opon Men end There eijlrie free Poking any chy remp 39 35 17 13 26 19 79 36 21 35' 2 38 15 29 to 29 60 42 26 36 106 19 1926705 147 50172290 1 uuiu I 1 1 1 4J4 IUV run caqo No sales Mercantile Exct CORN Buffalo receipts Thurs 80 cars' cents lower to esniTiaie ror rri 0 cars iivj4 tob Buffalo Chicago yellow No 5 yellow 94 Buffalo receipts Thurs 0 estimated for ri 0 cars No 276 fob Buffalo No 3 white fob Buffalo Chiraoo No Ia BARLEY Chicago malting choice tl33 feed 93 7107 Chicago No Sales' 'noiniudi Other Nov 9 'Pl Minneapolis Kansas City Carlots fob 770 Medium rye 695 White rye 670 Dark rye 35 Z50 22 38 46 18 18 33 115 8 3 53 52" 13 24 12 204 69l 2 31 44 29 28 34 16 18 43 2 8 8 26 25 68 67 23 23 39 38 96 96 41 41 26 25 24 24 52 52 43 20 UnionO 950 Unisphe 30 Asoe UnBuf Cans UnKen Un rt Un Oils Un Reef 26 UpCan 173 Vandoo 4 Vauze 93 Violam 132 Weedon 3 Malar 6 Wsburne 90 Wstates Deca Mine Beav Wlllroy Wiltsey WrHarg YanCan YkBear YoungH Yukon 7anmar Industrials Abitibl 4087V JckyCb 290 Do wts 53 Salsda 912VS SteelCan 17 TCP 1962'A 35' 39 1 IX ven isy oig i4u xz Gen Refrac 45e 22 Gen Stl Ind 180 3 80 479 GTella pfB 130 1 cen i ime Gen Tire 40 Gen TIre pf550 Gen Tine pf5 Geneseo 160 GaPacCn 1b Gerber Prod 110 Getty Oil Giant PC 80 Gibral 213t 16 Gibson Card 1 Gilletta 110a Gimbel 125 48axd Glen Aid 50 Glidden 2 GlobeUn new 81 Globe 60 Goodrich 220 Goodyear Gould Bat Grace Co Granby Grand Un GranC Stl 140 Granitev 80 Grant 120 Grant pf3 75 vjGrays RSb 120a Gt Iron 2g GtNoPap I Gt No Ry 3 GtWIn 175t Green Shoe la Greyhound 110b Greyh pf 225 Grum Aire 150 GulfMob9O 150a Gulf Oil 160 GulfStaUt 112 Gulf Gust 9 2 29 12 12' 37 37 88 UVi 1 1314 13 24 24 81 Vs 81 41 41'2 1' 48 48' a 16 16 457s 467 44 5f4 28'4 39 267 21 34 1774 13 22 27 Man May Jul I Aug Sep LARD Nous Deci Jani Mart SOYBEAN OIL Decl Janj Mani May Juli SOYBEAN MEAL 630 62:65 Bk Ken 170a Scott A 5 Simon Br 02t Strat Mat Tayco Taylor Dev rans TV 50a rico: 250a Upson 60a 10Vs Wurlitzer 80a 13 Other irms Acoustics A Allegri Tech Ana lex Associated Avon lOOt Boston Con Cross Co Deb 605 Delhi Duriron 120a NM Assn 3 isher 100a 9 ioriaa ias ound Gen Assn 20a Groller Inc 120a Home Ina Hoover A 70 Jerrold I MacAndi 160 Mack Trk 180 Macv 220 Macy pf 425 Z1410 Madisond 275e 24 Mad oar 1 Mad Gar pf6O Magnavox 70 Mallory 140b Manh Shirt 70b Manning 140 Maracaibo 15exd Maratnon 1600 Maremont 1 Marine Mid lb Marlin Rk 140 Marquardt 50t Marq Cem 180 MarshId 140xd Martin 1 Masonite 120b May St 220 Mays JW 80 Maytag 140 MCA Inc MCA cv pf 150 McCall 50b McCrory 80a McCro pf 450 McCro pf 6 Me Derm 60 McDon Air 1 McGraw Ed 140 26 MCGraw Ma McGreg Don A McIntyre 120 McKee 50 McKess 150 McLean 40 McNeil Meh 1 Mead Cp 170 Medusa 1 Melv Shoe 160 Merc St 1 Merck 160 Mergen Lino lb Merr Leb Elect Lac Gas 105 Lane Bry 1 I Anwin 1A Lear Sieg 40b 49 Lee Rub 22p 2 Leesona 50 7 Lehigh 25r 27 ien rorr LehVal Ind LehVal RR Lehman 183e Lehn 1 Leonard 60h LO Glass 260 44 LID MCNL 5t 5xd LlggSMy pf7 Lily Tulip 1 uing 1 em Link Belt Lionel Lionel pf Litton Ind Lock Aire 120 Loew's Thea Lone Cem 1 Lone Gas 1 Long Isl Lt 160 Long IL pfB 5 Lorillard 240 Lorlllard pf 7 Louis 82 Lou Nash 3a Lowenstein Lukens Stl 130e Lykes SS 80 Sales Net 1 Sales (hds) High Low Last Chg (hds) High '4 Gen Ry Sig 120 22 cars 1 Jan white March75 I April I May 21's 24 1634 11080 7nith fioures Datae rliuiripnrl in 1 table are 'annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not included Also extra or extras Annual rate plus stock dividend Declared or paid in 1961 plus stock dividend Declared or pad so far this year Payable in stock during 1961 estimated cash value on ex dividend or ex distribution date Paid last year Declared or paid after stock dividend or spit up De clared or paid this year an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears Paid ths year dividend omitted deferred or no action taken at last dividend meeting Declared or paid in 1962 plus stock divdend Payable in stock during 1962 estimated cash value on ex dividend or ex distribution date Liquidatmg divi dend Sales In full Called xd Ex dividend dis Ex rtstribution xr Ex rights xw Without waiiaiiib distributed When issued day delivery Warrants vi ln bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such com panies 23 55 58 3 2 13 16 11 37 1150 2 I requires Time Strategy and Technique together with specific knowledge to search out the profit opportunities in securities Let me help you find this potential Jessop I Kearney Kendall 140a Koehring 20 Kyste Al401 Ont PC Lily Ell 2a Lone Lytton in 7c Maxam Inc Mett Phillips Lamps RnrkWell 120a Rohrdr WH 28' SBlt 11 StdMIlICISt 4 Syra 60a05ex 11 Thompson 32a Time 325a Tobin 100a United Servo Victory 40a Wykf 120a Yuba Zero Mfg aAnmutl ePatrf In Declared or paid to far this year Stock Ex dividend 16 52 10 2034 26' 1034 15 2034 3034 s31'e 46' 4676 20 20 6' 4 39 39'4 1J 23 20 19 1 19 44 25 XIX I 11 3 1 Dec March Sept futures Sales (hds) High 47e 2a 14 5 5 5 29 56 29 3 45 120 40 60 TM following Bid and aaked pricn obtained from tha National 4ao ciation of Securities Dealers Inc and other eourcee but are unofficial They do not represent actual transactions They aro intended ap a to the approximate range within which these securities could have been bought or sold at the time of compilation Origin of guoxawowa jumwnea a 4A taeenn 1 riday Nov 9 1962 4340000 4160000 4175620 40l 49 20 23 Va 28 to 35 to to COTTONSEED Ol YORK (AP) Bleachable futures closed 8 lower to er Sales 359 contracts nign 1218 1223 1233 1235 1212 12 07 Closing Bids: Dec 1201 Bid 13 13 2 2 14 14 11 12 22 23 19 19H Ixd 13090 577 I 767 I CapCity Pd new 13 83 i 1 198 I Munsingwear 1228 un Elec 7 36 24 to 38 to 161 1 the threw months 3943463 3965862 9 34 Industries Inc Sept l4tHJUV 113 51857501 Corp for months Wagnerl El 120 Waldorf Sys waigreen Walker Wall Tlern Walworth Ward Bak Ward Bk pf 550 Ward Ind Warn Pic 50 Warner Co lb Warn Lam 60 Warren SD 1 Wash Gas 132 Wash Wat 2 Way Knit 2 Welbilt Cp 10g uoai WPenP pf Va Pulp wn Wn Wn Wn Wn Wasta Westg El 120 Wheel Stl i75e Wheel Whirl White WhiteM pf 525 White Sew White Sew pf 2 White Str 1 Wickes 1 xd Wilcox Oil 60b 1 60 Wilson Jon 110 Windsor Winn Dix 96 xd Wis El Pw 2 Wise Sv 150 Witco Chem 80 Woodwd lr 160 Woolwth 2 50 Worthing 162t Wrigley 3a Wyan Wor 50e 19 46 29 49 38 56 14 17 7 47 3 1 16 I I 14 24 i 24 133 13 I 71 xd 28 39 23 92 z4 7 47 17 20 20 32 20 17 15 16 43 23 34 71 12 43 441 408 411 161 162 29 37 37 54 41 to 41 143 143 38 Center attended the University of Buffalo and is a gradual of Michigan State University 28 29 to 39 40 a 25 25 to 27 27 27'a to 37 37 28 27 45 45 45 37 37 5Vto 56 86 86' 2 to 33 17 26 25 26 24 24 24 43 43 43 56 56 56 23 22 10 10 10 41 41 15 15 13' 8 6a Va 10' 6 to 22 9 18 to 33 33 54 54 Ohio Edis 170 Oh Ed pf 456xd Oh Ed nf 440 Oh Ed pf 390 Z140 Okla 128 2 Ok pf80 1 Okla Gas 140b 1 onn varn i Opelika 80b 130 Otis Elev 160 Outb Mar 80 Outlet Owens Cng 1 Owens IIIGI 250 Owens Oxford Oxf 60h 70 dv 325 Sherbrotic Dr Williamsville His territory will cover a five state area in the field of environmental san itation Kennedy former ly was sales mana ger of leet of America Inc A graduate of Can i isma vAnxifec iic nrnvinJtRlv was frpshman football coach at Syracuse University ath i Ictic director at Manlius Military i and regional sales man lager Research Institute of Amer ica 35 50 49t 6 13 29 Bto 49 11 18 24 16 23 16 12 46 4 93 91 38 36 40 39 104 20 23 33 1 109 to 73 37 1 2 27 43 16 to 28 to 64 1 013 8 11 I I 500 917 10 02 Year a9O 1182 1285 I 1365 1488 I 1234 1334 I 6 27 685 1 612 662 1 TORONTO STOCKS (J) Quotations in Canadian Cents 5 125 55 155 28 Z90 7 27 86 19 24 2938 127 2 48 'b 20 36 18 17 23 39 to 26 By the Associated Press 5 1962 Southern Natural Gas Co for ended Sept 30: Ne9 Income 15521675 A share 312 Gerber1 Products' Co for six months ended sept ju: Net income 4877365 A share 115 Sales 84635899 The Diners Club for six months ended sepT jo: Nei income A share Sales Phelps Dodge ended Sept 30: Net income A ishare Sales Bigelow Sanford enaeq oepi Net income A 'Share Pen ruit Net income A rshare Earninas dend requirements Superior Oil Co for enaea Aug ui Net income' A Ushare Chris Craft months ended Net income A share Sates Savage Arms ended Sept 30: Net income A ishare Sales 109 34 32' 2 77 28 Deci Marf Maw Jul SOYBEANS NOV? July i Dec 233 Mar1918 May lb50e 5xd ue 0 AAaaA "1 NatBk Westch 5 SterINatBkTr (x) 3 '2 1 (x) subject to StL San StReg Pap San Gas San Impjer If Sangamo Schenley Schenley Schering Schering Schick Schlmbar Scoft Pap 80 Scott pf4 Scovill Mf 120 Seab AL RR 160 Seab inan 75p Seagrave It Sears Roeb 140a Seiber Rub Servel Shahmoon Sham 150 Sharon Stl 40 Shattuck 40a Shell Oil 110b Shell Tran 75e Sheller Mf 1 Sheraton 60b Shoe Cp Am 1 Signode 60b Simmons 2e Simonas Sinclair 2 Singer Skelly Smith Smith Smith Smith Smith Socony 2a Soo Line RR So Am 25g Sn Car 160 So Sug 230e 2 Soeasm rb i Sou Cal Ed 96 Southn Co 160 bou Sou Sou Sou Snu Swest PS 106 xd 9 Spalding toe Snart Ind 80 Sparton i Cp 20e 23 bpen tnem iu Sperry Rd Spiegel 150 Spiegel ipf 450 Square 1 bTO Std Std Std Stri St Oil Gal pf 330 5 Std Oil Ind 180b 118 StdOilNJ 250e Z260 Std Oil Oh 25V Stand Rka StdPk U20pf 120xd 2 23 bia rK 4 pr i zuxa i bra rress jzd Stan War 120 Stanray Starrett LS 1 Stauff Ch 120 Sterl Drug 1 80 Stevens JP 150b Stew War 140b Stix 120 StokeVanC 80b Stoke pf 1 Stone 3 Storer Brd 180 Stout 60b Studebaker Suburb Gas 50 SuburbProp 124 Sun Chem 35e Sun Oil lb Sunbeam 144 Sundstrand 1 Sunray 140 Sunsh Bis 440 Sunsh Mn 20 Super Oil 350e Sweets Co 60 bwift Swingin A Sym Way Balasky Appointed Anrknintmpnf nf Donsld lasky son of William Balasky 418asso Cayuga Rd to the newly created I position of marketing manager AxeH was announced riday by Vesely Mfg Co pf Lapeer Mich Balasky iAxe Temp former merchandising igiue Rd manager Pontiac Mall Shopping Broad St DUIIOCK Calif Can Gen Cdn Cdn IGth Capit Shr Cent Shr Chase Chem Colon Colon Grt cwin Com Com Com Comp Bd Compd Concord Cons Inv Cont Grth Corp Ld Crown DEVeg In deVeg ueia Dela Diver Diver Divid DowTh In Dreyfus Eaton Bal Eaton Stk Elec Inv Energy Equity 311 168 2 62 2 15 268 258 1270 1388 688 752 2124 2321 902 986 1317 1423 358 387 566' 620 706 774 836 918 1339 1339 959 264 I Disney Watl 1303 1409 Dover Corp 1059 539 340 674 5 28 7 02 7 10 1083 856 1383 1096 1124 1261 1254 669 984 1078 1045 861 1356 3 78 730 1379 Listed Close Abacus Agnico Akaltcho Alba Ex A pron Alminx 202 Amal Ra 9 Am Led 5 Ang Hu 825 Ang uu Ansll A Arcad Da AtICC 107 Aumaco 8 Aunor 380 Bail SA 1062 Bankeno 26 Banqfid 27 Barnat 103 Gary Ex 17 Base Met 6 Baska Duq Belcher Bethlm Rirtrao Bordulac 5 eouzan fjralorn Brou Rf Buf An Buf Cable Cadmet Cal Ed Camer Cp Chi Ld Pet Tun Delhi Cdn Dv Dyno Ex HI Cr Hmtd Malart 33 Cdn NW 6 SiliC 100 Can Erin 11 Casslar 1050 cen Dei Cen Pat Chart ChibM Chlmo Chrom Coch Conlags CalU Disc Drgn en Arw Halil Mure MicM390 CMog 103 Morr 44 Norin 24'j Ram 101 Red 9 Sann Shaw WstP Conwst fnoCor Cop Man 9 Copmd 117 Coulee 33 Cralgt 1625 cresiaur Croinor Daering Deer Hn D'Eldon Del Pac Dulnife Denlsn 990 Dev Pal 90 Dlcksn 415 Dome 2712 Dme 1337 Donalda 7 Duvan Dynam 22 East Ml 225 East Sul 185 Elder 109 Eldrich 30 06 10 20 25 25 25 125 25 25 125 JO 60 45 375 252625 25 25 60 40 1075 100 17' 1125 100 925875 50 25 42 5 17 58 51 50 Zl'4 17 22 47 103 42 41 146 145'2 29 29 54 53 9 a 35 15 Hammnnd Oman INI I ial 125 IRREGULAR 60 INCREASED 2748 REGULAR Allied Supermkf 15 Am Hospital 0625 Am 25 Hr Arni oc 41 Cert feed 1370 Clark Equip 413 Cott BottNE 789 Disney Walt 1499 Driver nm 739 80 1 ischb Moore 702 ischb Moore 9 63 1052 ischb Moore Unavail Gordon Jlry A IO CO 11 CO 1816 910 838 1011 12J9 9 57 724 120 14 IZ 34 25 3700 3386 3386 2679 2679 115400099 Aug 251 1503671 78 of preferred divi 12 8 210 26 Day PL pfA 375 1200 81 DeccaRec 120 19 42 Deere 220a i 5 48 1 132 i Delta Air 120 Dent Sup laxd 1 DeSoto Ch 40 DetEdis 220 DetStl Cp 75p DeVilbiss 160 DiamAlk 180 Dlam Nat 180 Diana Str 50b I DiGlorglo DlnersC It Disney 40b Dis Seag 120a Divco Way 30r Dr Pepper 70 Dome 70 Dornin 141e Doug Aire 112t Dover Cp 80b Dow Chem 160 Dress Ind 120 Drewrys 160 DuBois Ch 60 Duke Pw 180 Dunhill Duplan duPont du Pont pf450 Duq Lt 124 Duq 420 pf210 Duq 4 pf2 Duq 210 pf210 Dynam Am DWG Cig 80 Dynam Am pfl 120a 105e 50 Z10 46 S45 23 pf 4 860 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412 8 El Ind 1 54 Afid 120 Laund 120axd 1 24 ago 1962 1961 1960 19S9 (1926 average equals 100) sugar utures YORK Nov 9 DomestiC No 7 closed quiet no sales sugar no i closed 6 12 22 20 1834 110 44 44 41 428 94 94 Kennedy Appointed To Manage Sales Airkom Sains Corn nf WpstPHl 2519 269 1 New York riday announced the 2i S' appointment as sales manager of 9 06 i 1 James Kenne Salei (hdt) High 28701675 I lH ZOJ 239J67468 232537876 121892982 96001540 Corp for nine 19 11 26 54 32 Bto to 2 17 18 59 59' to 10 10 28 28 43 43 45 10 10 to 12' to Direct System Corp 539 ELLICOTT IL 4 4458 Tupper 13 33 9 34 45 40 58 110 Va pf 480 Z10 104 104 Von's Groc 60a 8 19 19 Vornado 8 19 19 Vulcan Mat 50 12 9 9 48 to 24 22 12 20 411 to 21 to 47 39 to to 31 1 5 29 9 to 4 31 32 75 772 Borax 80a or 120e reight 110 Gyps 260a Indust Lines 2b 120 Plywd 2 Rub 220 Rub pf8 Shoe 90 Smelt 125e Smelt pf350 Steel 275e Steel pf7 Tob 140 Tob pfl 75 Vitam 70 Whelan 45 Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Upjohn 80 Utah 132 cwt I 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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Author information

Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.