The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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SECTION TWO PAGE TEN THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER -The Foremost Newspaper of The Two Carolinas-THURSDAY JUNE I 1939 IIW (Outdone Olisrvtr oV none EU 4s4v 4 10o4metomi mottoto 1W 4 L17---t-t 41: A4 Airw'sVk14061 N14ssiANi 4 tl 1 IL ''t i 4 Ir4 4 44 1 1 'A i I ckoNt Of 1 Olt'A rt 0 tt (6) 115 rt tr TROTTER Financial Editor 0 1 -47 A 1 w2 I'' 4401 IL- 141POWTIV101t1M VW' Vt''' 'atr rek'4444 We: 1 st00WAXWAittPW teA 'k ik sW Total 664510 SALES' Previous Day 602320 LWeck Ago 1013680 Year Ago 537510 SALES 'Two Years Ago 534780 I kin 1 to date 96807795 NEW YORK STOCK LIST MARKETS AT A GLANCE Ntt Chg Pervionv Fairs Net High Low Stocks Div lintird High Low Last hg In The 1 Stock NEW YORK! S10CKS-5117rd: rally loaes force govprnmenk rentime dvante flit indisairials drop hark FOREIGN EX( motif fates Sear Mall gain foreign fling fol fitting Cohan trade havIng COI I foreign praalite 134 higher la off lo op to 25 lower pot 5-11k higher Pr Thf Akkocia lett Presto THE MOT A(-11 STO1 likti 1 I DNI SD Sale tn Net lindtdk illah tow lose Chg 1 A libber 111 41 412 4112 1 11o(t Inc lle 9 I i' 1 Stel liil Mrk 49 lic 1 General Motors 1110 41 41k 41'k 11 hrykler Corry 1 II 71 '10y -on 2 Nattonal Dairy i3 11' l'i ih'4 I-11i Greyhound $'o tu Do' 2 poi entral Lfi 11 l'I'l il'7 Nocony-Vacuum St IV 112 112 Montgomery a rd PI i 51' Cowin! tcligon 011 Vk 31'2 :1112 -2 Bethlehem Steel 0 i nii Mt Mt 1 Anaconda Cooper IS 2V2 2 'fl" 'k North American a Pitartin Glenn I II 313 35 35' 'I --MI :46 23 Mi MOP 4111 Mk 11511) I 2112 2112 2612 -i- 12 I i ga) I kirk frik I a qua 52 41114 May Dept Sloes 13i 4 5012 51) 60 3m 1 Wisi 4 5laylag 2 4's Pt 4't 1n 361 vot Maytag of (3) 1 311 30 MI 12 I I lirs McCall (1) 2 13s IPS is I 111a 012 McCrory Store r75Ei 21 1312 1112 '2 I (Compiled by The Associated Press) 102 Sc NIrCrory Sirs of 161 1 1112 1112 102 '4 30 15 15 CO 59's 49i Mr 1 illy Min Ili 1 S8 5g 5I 32 Indust Rails tills Stock! 16 14 84 Mehers Tin 7 112 11'2 1112 2 NPI change iI 7 Alciellan Sirs 110111 1 ars 1's Vs i 1VednesdaY 1170 1911 375 47 12 l's 51ead Corp 2 8s 8 ii SY's ls 1 P1100121 day 676 192 315 411 51rilgel 9 4'2 4's 4's Jt Month atO 616 178 391 451 2)43 121 m21 5 of 223112 C111 312 23 13 Tear ago 551 1311 292 38 3914 25 Mesta 51ch Co 1125() 2 28is la' a 211is Is 1930 High 2110 2311 4110 lilL 122 1112 MGM' Copper is a si 1 ll 1939 Low 1586 157 337 41 161 11' MidCon Petrol (23(2) 13 11s 1312 1312 32 '1 193S High 795 235 178 Mol 29 Is 11 Midland Steel O(ii 2 2212 2112 2412 112 1938 Low 492 121 210 33' 851a 13 Minn-lion Reg t2) 13 I fii1s Ii3 -i- 12 6:12 312 NI inn 31o1 Imp 3 I's 41s 411 II lir' mission Corp 123(2) 1 12'12 1212 1212 -i- 112 MOVEMENT IN RECENT TEARS INA min 1169 1539 1g13 157: Ws 4 fklissouri A Tea of 3 5's 5's fi's 1927 Low 1310 933 fil3 NCI 2'4 I Missouri Par pi 11 112 1'4 I '2 -1- Ig 1932 Low 125 111 239 Ill II 1 113''1 Monsanto Chem 121 ad 1 9 97 97 Is i 121a 1152 Mons Ch pf II (1511) 20 122s 1222 12212 2 1' -1939- 1121 4111 3101111In 11ard (1111 8:1 1214 mr's 5114 42 Previous Sales Net 19 912 Motor Prod 2 1 Fis 1112 1112 High Low Stocks A Div lindrd High Low Last t'hg 16's 10 5lotor Wheel Lfai) 2 is sr Hi 7 I's 11 iiiiins 514 1 02 I I 4 's -2 I 2 44 i a 30 NIullins M122 pf 211 NA 1 2 3g 31 ll 1012 41s (1-taassdE1 1:014 'Of 13'4s 111'''s 531'241 fill'a 2121 Murphy 6 13i 2 60 60 On 14 21's 13's Stand GA $7 Pr of 1 1102 110 2 01'2 111 ir's Us Murray Corp Am 8 51a Vs 14 341' 25's Stand 011 Calif 11A1 11 2444 VIII 21192 To am S'l 111 4 A 2121 Averages 2 Stand Gas 111 2 3'4 41t Stand El 44 pf 14 13's Stand $7 Pr pf I 110 Vitt Stand Oil Calif (I A) I I 2a's 34 34 44 44 14'4 144 244 204 60 Stocks 477 4144 456 634 416 641 331 1571 1(0 Net Chg 7 Slight Dip Halts Slow Stock Climb BY THE AOUI TT MTV YORK May (Mon ing Is the enmPlete clomng li" et todav's tranactIona on the New I ork Stoek rarhange 0-19311- Previout Ilith Love Stortt PIC undid High Low t1 II) tim ha mp PA 1 pf CO 9144 104t 40' 21 theap 0 121 11 t414 331 thitz too 140 hesap 0 pf 1 I SW 1014 39'4 23 he-an Cot (120(1) 1 20 20 201 124 (hi SI ail Ord (3011 1 12' 11 12'4 I hie Mil St pf I hie Poen Tool 9 13' 13's 13's Chi rn et pi 3t 1 33 3" 33 9 Si t't he 1-ell Cab (1) I 3 I 1 Child 11 ii 11 Ico I hryler l2321(1) 111 114 111 tat 19 ilv I pf 1330 i 95 1W 93 NI' 39'4 Climax Moly I 121tO 4 41114 39 39'S 21'4 Clue Beat) I311(11 3 28 iHa 292 12:1 111 Cora-Cala 1123() 4 123 1212 121 19' I l'z (01 Palm 1230) 3 15' 11 15 3)' 211' Col Aikm 130G I 21'4 V' '4 '11'4 (-ol So pf 1 9 4 2 I Col Ir 4 111 13Z 1591 20' I I ol Br $va A 113)(1) 13 2091 :20 20 olumn 2t 94 ii 91 112 Col (i pi' A Ui 2 mt 19 1 it Col Pin vie 10 11 I 10 10 91 '13 (-alum Carbon 1) I 101 lin an nmmer ('red 44) 111 41' 41 41a 641 41 Comm Inv Tr Ii 22 17 MO 91 1 com Solvent 32 11' 11'4 I I to I-91 i as 211' 2)04 2149 22" 222 23" 9 i 5 PO4 21' 21 214 1' 1 1' 32' 31' a RI is IOW 1031 loxr I4 1'4 WI it 91 a 99'4 994 11') 11 9i 1 10 134 114 1a 1 'a I 'a 99 Pt 01 4 lin lit flit 11Z 114 35 35 R3 2' i 13') 1' 2101 37 7i SA 11 111 171'4 1114 3 5 38 21' 21 21 99 99 9934 311' 30 30 I I I P011 PO4 1a 9fi 94 314 :41 3 I141 1'3 1'3 35 35 :9 2'3 57'1 51'1 11 1114 5 20 '21 ior 99 311 341 11114 3312 111' I 1014 11914 21114 117p 204 12'4 17214 I3's 1312 3 3 5 35 A 71'4 711'4 71114 9 5 9114 111 411' 31174 31011 IS 14 21'1 191 12712 12112 15'4 15 15 2114 271 211'4 211 fi12 A 'A 62 118 29 1111 III 10 Ifl AA AA AM 4714 47 4112 5112 5lI' I 11'1 111 111 112 12 Pt 5111 r9 P5 2114 2)1' 28 234 234 2 5'1 '1 54 21'4 21'4 14 11 71 712 3112 A112 10A1 105'n 1115'2 1'4 111 1'4 102 A 14 611 A 't 4 I1 91114 ll'ot II 1 PO 1104 16'4 11a r's I 9fi D4 31 31 1111 IN 1111 I's l't 7 I 35 35 85 212 't 21'4 2314 23'n 571 574 57 '4 11:1 12 1i3 171'4 1744 1114 5'14 5 5'8 2F4 '21 21 3111 119 1 111 311' 30 Steels Motors Rails Coppers and Rubbers Drop Bock Pace Under Profit-Taking By Traders 1 1 Who Reason That Recovery April Lows Has Gone Far Enough -N Is If 14 1 4 1 4 As 114 44 14 4- 1 82 1 1 12 12 14 a 1 14 4- I kit 14 1 -1- -t 14 1- '2 1 1112 2112 III' 2 12 301 114 1112 12 't a a i la I A 'a 'a 1'4 30'xi 1112 4- 2 r4-114394 Previou4 gales N11 High 14yr Stork fliv undid High Low 144 I hi vu PA 11sh pf 450 914 In I 111 411'4 334 Ahr Strati i31141) 1 4) 4ii 411 43 3114 Acme $tret (I) 1 33 31 3 II 04 Adam sp 34 144 Wit 6'11 0'1 Air 14 oduction 1 10 IS 04 h44 4 4 41 3 Air 11a33 11 Ann 1 4214 33's Ahr Strau i311(1) 1 4h 31' Acme $teel (II 1 04 Adams lisp 1'201'1 4 6511i 0'4 Air Rduction 11A) I's 14 Air Ways II APP I 1 1 1 411 41i I 7a -I- 12511 4 I 17m 34 ii'z 4 1-16 11 3V3 12 11 W4 2211 Ai 191m 1 244 25'S 44'4 414 74 14 4'4 411 11'n 41'4 Ws 44 40 MI 4274 Ill'S 24 24 24 2i It's 11'4 14 144 27 27 4'4 4'4 234 Slot Oil Ind (1) IX Ws Ws Stand Oil (1A) 23 4S AS Siert Prod (380) 4 la 7 Stew Warn Speed VS VS Stone Webster It A's Studebaker 11 1 ta Sun Oil (11 2 NI 120 Sun Oil pf (111 30 12Vii l's Sunshine LO() ft tttt 2 Superheat Ca (216) 2 29 2 Superior OH 3 2 10 Superior Steel 3 lilt 17 Swift t'n (120) 3(11 101s 3511 Swift Int (2) 2 214 4'n Symingtiould 4 Vs 4 5-14 11s 14 1 I 2' Como Ith South III 111 41'1 om of ComwIth Edit Cant 311 if( on Nairn (5111) 1 54 Congress Cigar 21' 112 Conol Air 1 orp 11 1 SI' C01001 Cigar C'1501 I 35 21 Con 1 dison (2( 101 3 1 1 1 1 4 Can so of 5) 1 2 I Consol Ilim Ind I 11 4 I 101001 Eatin 9I4 '1 Coot Oil SO) Contim Pow of (4101 01 onlainer Corp 3 22' 1 I ont Raking 2 1' Con Raging 111 1111 Coot Pak of I 11 1124 Conti' Can (10 1 la 111 Cont Can of (110) I III 5 tont Ditm Elhre 15 25 29' ront Ins 1 iaik 4 I Continen Slot 3(1 31'1 21' ont 0 of Del (54Kit 13 2 1aI Coot Sterl 4500 I 40 Corn 1 eh Ilk 31 11't Corn Prod 13i 0 116 111 Corn Prod of (1) I 10 21 Cot' lor (30() Itt 21 Crane Co IS 1111 93 Crane Co ev of 151 adt II 20 Cram of (21 1' a Crosley Radio Coro 2 11 It 10 Cron Cork IP 9 Crown zeit I 21't Crucible SIPP1 12 PI it'pl Cudahy rack 3'11 1111 I PIO 1 4g 38 Curti Pull of 11K I 3 Curti Wright "1 214'4 10' Curti 153 IS 21' a III's Cutler Hammer 4 1 (oma' Ith South II) hr 451 om of '24" '2 Comwith Edit Cgliti 3112 IS on Nairn 1311() ad I 515 3" Congress Cigar I 23 I I 4 Conol Air I orp 11 as COn101 Cigar 113(1 I 33 27 Con dorm 42) 41 1117 11114 Con a doson pf 451 7 2' 14 Consol Ilim Ind I 4 CO11101 Latin 3 94 7 Con Oil 011 40 99'6 P2't (Com' Pow pf 4)111 2 HO onlainer Corp 3 22' II' a ont Baking A a 2 14 Cont Bating 11 100 at Coot Bak of IA) I 41 5 a COntitt an (I() Hp 111 ('ont (an pf iflOt 1 10 5 Con Olam Fibre 13 211 rant Ins (1905 2 4 1" Continen Mot 20 314 21 Cant (I of Del cNtiti 1 29' 110 Con Sled 430(1i I 51 49 Corn 1eh lilt (2) 124 31's Corn Prod 131 9 179' 111 Corn Prod pf il) I 31 3' Colt Jne c311(2) 21 314 21 Crane Co 19 1 93 Crane (a ev of 150 54t 21)" ram of I 2 I 2 ti 7 2402 214 12 12 204 204 161 187 RN RN4 19 19 9 94 16 164 112 112 254 2704 1134 1134 214 21'4 1414 115 11 19 734 71: 61 $'A OR 101 10'1 25'2 332 14O2 11'm 112 1312 13'2 1114 11'4 2334 2534 37 37 93 A3 A A 2'1 ll's 1134 14N 145 111' 1114 IA 16 22'4 2234 5514 NN1 9' 94 A's R'si S's Nash-Kle Corp 19 1'S 11'4 Nash hat 4 St 310 21'2 1P2 Nall Arms 2 I2's 23's Nati Biscuit ArS11(4) 21 160 Nall Biscuit' pf 3 161 ti Bd II1V pfwv3111 3 lifo's 1312 Nall Cab Fes AMOCO A 111's 102 NAIL Cyld (4 (JO() 1 A's 12's Nail Dry nA IA' 3 109 Nall Hairy pf 2411111 112 234 Nati Dist Prod 42) 111 215'm IP Nall CypsUM 1 12'4 1312 Nall Lead A2461 5 21's 13N Nail Lead pi 111) 115 NAil Cast 16 104 Nall JP It 15 Ism 55 Nall Sil Corp tail(1) lo 67'2 3'2 Nall Supply 6 9 1l'a Nalomas ASO 10'2 Neisner Bros il 25 Nbtrry 111) 3'2 Indus 15 12'4 128 NI Central 16 NY Chi St I 15'4 13'2 NY Chi St i 12 212 341 NI' Omnibus 2 11's SI NI' Lack Si 1211 53 12 NI' II Illtd 6 a 241 NV A IfIld pf 104 NY Ship Bldg A 11'2 PIA Norfolk 135 1116 Norfolk A IV pf 1114 1si No Am Axistion 23 No Am Co 12 22ss A Co5saispli2A1'21 6 b5'2 l'o j'sor Par 13 II" 2'4 Nor Rub I 74 12 2's 1 7 54 9'4 914 2 614 24 14 774 N'2 9 70p 92 2'4 6 54 11 7'4 3 A 1'2 14 4 24 54 Ra 3'4 in 4- A VI is IA IS 411 39e MO VB 4 4'n 99 29 29 I 2104 115 954 2404 1 2402 1 167 11 2112 i 115 i 2714 A3m 812 11'4 25'4 ifs 11'4 2114 3X 4312 61 4'4 1604 1454 112 11 1'04 240 55' Ws 1 4'4 11'3 WI 253 202 11173 1413 340 30' J1'2 111 1112 1112 2512 2112 1012 11112 3012 301 1112 1112 1(1 111 II 4- '2 11 33 A 4 11 '2 A roi 42 Telantorraph (21)G) 1 9'2 4 Tnn Corp 374 Ws Texan Paell ie RY 002 35 Texas Corp (21 25 514 312 Tex Gulf Pr (111(1) 5 321s 294 Tex Sulph fl xd2 Ws 1'2 Tex rile Cdt f401 2 9 Ws Tex Fa Land Tr 1 40 32 The air pf 341 414 22 Thermoid 21 It Thermoid pf 3's 3 Thompson II RI 17 Thompson Pr t25(11 2 12 112 Thompson Starrett 1 152 72 Thompson Star pf 1 114 112 Tide Wat As Oil ft 7 181a 194 Timp Viet Ay 450171 9 514 31'2 limit Roll 5061 12 52 Transamerica 151 3 1n I TrAti West Al a 4 Sri rent Corp 8 4s it TrUlIT Trar Coal I 13'2 9 Truscon sil 1 202 19's Tw Con 150(71 5 3'2 Twin City Rap Tr 30 112 Twin City pf 20 1212 Vs Twin Coach 5 -4- 1'1 1- 12 IR 14 A'n 110 '4 4' 4 11 40 -t I 3ns 3i ps 19 19 19 3 3 3 231i 231i 2311 VR 2m 'n 912 9i 113n 124 111 4 11 1114 41 6 RI4 04 4- 1111 1R14 1114 VA :112 314 314 0114 4 21'4 2114 111 1r7 Fr 21 94 a -1- 4- I BY FDFRICK GARDNFR Associated Press Market 1Vriter af YOR Ii May Iiiht dip today reversed the stock market 'A action after the consecutive eesainos nf slow advance SIele motors rail coppert and rubber dropped back a pace under what appeared in be mainly profit-taking by trader who reasoned that the recovery from the April lows had tOrIP far enough A trw peclailies merchandise and building she era came out on lop so lib gains ranging to around a point Transactions totaled fill410 shares against 803211 Monday The Associated Press composite price of tat stocks sagged 1 to 4:1 ThP attendanc in 1'011 Street al not very large alter the Memorial day reeess but enough buying orders arcs-a mutated to give the market atiothr shove bras ard When this demand was satisfied the list drifted down the rest of the day Zest for the buying side Mao waned In commoditiea and bonds after a forenoon spurt Contra! lallotora yielded more than a point as Wall Street studied trade reports indicating a counter-seasonal decline in automobile output in the eeeond quarter compared with the first Analysts apparently took this as a hint that the June quarter earnings statements of the big motor cnmpanies 1 would not read an Aatiafactorily as the first quarter record Chrysler however ended only fractionally down ta I Firmer tendencies in matnr farm prices lately and cheer' fill trade accounts of retail business through the natinn i gnerally ettrarted Ito ving to the merehandise hares Sears ta Roebuck 15ontworth and Penney sold fractionally high-la Leading rails sagged with the main trend The carriers' needs for more passenger traffic were emphasized by an' nouneement of I reduction in roundirip coach fares by the is eastern roads A further advance in the London market during thy hot- Ida here gave Wall Street a buying pointer at the stock xrhan opening Brokers interpreted the advance abroad as indicating growing confidence of European peace The new that Russia had rejected French mutual part proposals In 1 he anti-Hiller lineup however raised he queation as financial circles vi het her the Rome-Berlin axis would be I moved In press colonial claims if Russia sic s's out of the opposition so Foreign currencies exhibited the calm on display In most markets Chicago wheat rinsed to a cent a bushel higher Cohn vs as a of to aa up Colton futures finished 20 to 45 rents I bale improved Mid-week trade news shed little additional light on here business was beaded for the summer months The Is most Impressive hint of improvement commentators noted was the sharp Jump in steel operations at the outset of the week the widest gain for env week this year in a ragged curb market small losses wens registered be Lock heed American Cvanamid '11- and Niagara Hudson Power Todd Shipyard dropped 71 a on small sales after a reduced dividend A point or more higher were 1111114 Laughlin Steel and NI Zinc Turnover of 95000 shares compared with 83(100 Monday 'm 41 a 47 5'm 211'm 17 PA': 44 1 iti3t 115m 104 P4 1 A 1 A't 11114 1n I 'n "41 110A 1A'4 167 1A1 12 12 11 4- 14 1 9R 9 9 '4 36'4 3101 96 14 Wm 1s 1514 AA AA AA IA 'A 111 nA 13 13 13 AVA 514 51'4 6 NI 8 4 3xt l't 1S'I nAl 4 i2 9114 9114 914 21 23'g A 411 411 11'4 114 11'4 11 122'4 1224 421'4 4" 84 612 Al 4 1'1 1 14 91 9'4 lo la 4 PR 351 3'4 31R 114 Vt IF-02 164 16'4 4- 14rA 14 14'11 'A l'A 4- In 41'4 444 J4'4 '4 1'1 4'1 4'1 31'2 31 31'2 1 WA 417n 41'n -1- '4 'ZAR 2-1n 5 A'n 5R 3- In 194 144 1 '2 52 52 52 1 13'2 10A 13'i IA 314 Pot 3'm 'A 31 194 311 14 I 414t 11A 2 2I'n 24's 2 114 10 311i I4 353 n1 i 13 11! 2 11 56 56 56 4- 134 134 134 13 13 13 '244 284 '4 4114 434 43 rn 4 664 654 85 14 161n 27o4 15'4 II 114 114 1404 ig'4 ig'4 '4 16412 IIt 1 43 )lt 112'4 1 A114 AI AI It 5'n 12 IIIt lo IIIt 14 -Pt 4't I's N't A 1 1114 i 's A 1' 4 20'2 1401 UP 61 14 I 14 '4 1' IT (bin Oil Co 120E) 31) 1312 Oliver Parm 4 2 1:2 mnintiti nrp 4 Hoz OH) Fir) (31)(7) 3 15 7I Oil Steel 211 79 NI Owen Ili (71 6 191 L11 11s 1434 In 6t 9'4 632 In S's Alaska Fun III 116 14 Alleghany 124 S's Alleghany pl I 1411 s's Allegh pf S'10 4 1316 11 Allegh pf 1111 3 10 0 Allegh pr pf 20'6 11 Atlas Furl 1t1 IX 193 151's Al va 3 11s fl'a Allied Mills (1361 Ws 11 AIIiI Sinres 31 41114 211 AlissU Mfg tMift 23 9116 1214 Alpha env (50f 50 Amerada 24'6 Ifi An Ag of (336) 11'4 11114 Am 8 NOt 5 IIA 50 Am It pf 1111 11 316 Am tinsch CS 3114 Am Br ho 4 134 120's Am Br (5211 lon'a 33's Am sn AS 1I's Am Car a I4v II 32 Am A I dy pi 5 2-1'S 13'S Am i ab 030(0 2 12114 111102 Am Chicle (1A 1114 It's Am Colnrlype I'm 1114 514 Am Conti Ale 1 10'1 S'a Am ryStal $UE 3 2 01 Am rs lit (ft 30 141i 2's Am Enestis Ill 2 Pa 2 Am A Int Pow 4 Ifisa 10 Am A 6 111 3 201) 12'6 Am A pf II tts 5 Am 2nd pf 2 VS 12 Am ilsw I I 3'4 21a Am Hide it L31)1 3 F'S'7 Am 11 A I pf I I 4 411s 41'6 Am Prod 12 Ili) I 2114 11s Am Ice '1'4 41 1 Am 'item innal II Am tnco 13 1912 41 Am Loco pf 2 1514 I I Am A Idy 1101 1 4's 2'S Am Mch 2 40's 24-114 Am MPhil 1236 124's 11112 Am Met firre pl I 20 23 Am Nests (1510 10 36 Am Pow A Fgt 4914 32 Am 1Shpf 4114 23s Am ro14-mtts11210 3 11(94 10's Am Rad A St 41 2214 12'6 Am knit Mill 12'2 MI Am Roll Mill pi' I 1316 Ills Am Sal Raz (1210 4 20 Ws Am Seating (-W1) 2 3I's III Am Shphidg (2) b316 3:1 Am Sm Ref 4161 21 S1 59's Am Snulf 13AI 2 41 204 Am Sti 2I 13's IC Am Storey 2'2's 15' Am Sugar Ref 11It's Ha An A Tel 19) 21 141' 1:4 Am Teti( (1) 9 4114 5'3 Am Tot) 11 Si 1116 4's Am 11Pe drs 8 11114 X's Am Mat 11 ks II IC Am Woolens 14 I's Am 141 Sm 34'6 20 Anaconda I op 130(i) Ix 22's Anchor 11 Id 413(11 ill's III Anch II It pi '111 I's 34 Arm III 21 AA 31'4 Armstrng Crk "MC() a 13 P's Arnold on 131' stt4 2 1016 31s Assd DrY (ids 4 :44 Assn Investment (2 I tea 1492 Assoc ITIV pf 454 4278 2:0 Atchison I 25 11 511a Alch pf 13311(1) 30's la All Coast Line 111 10 All It 46 3V I pf 2 23111 11's Atlantic RPI 4 11 3 2 Atlas I fl9 (25(0 III Sla al Atlaa lark 41a 2141 Auburn Auln 6'1 all Aviation oil -D(0 vega Str (15li 3 05 65 21 1 125 cc 0 152 S15 5Si5 240 '222 23 Deere pf 110) 2 2552 2552 255 215 151 J)I Ilud ti 12552 11'2 115e 1112 1 Lack West 5' 555 5 53 123'2 tut Detroit 1dis t3(2 1 113 11 113 3 1M 5 Devon A Ray A 10 23 20 33 1555 121amond (15112 3 33 33 33 115 175 a Dit Loco (0() 121l tS 217 79 5 I 12 p1 ww ('S) 1 131 213 13 225 10 DoehIcr Dir Last 2 11 15 33" 3iin Dorn Mine i 7 31 53'3 525 Doug Aircraft 1 505 WO 2 505 135 Jul a Dow Cbcm 43) I 11552 11552 11552 152' 10 12002111 I III Silk (1) 1 Il 5 115 1n3 Doplan Silk pf t31 112 11 1 111 1 I 15651 12(55 i Du Pont do 1250( 1 In 1155 11652 117 112 nu Pont de deb 231 2 13k 1375 133 4'4 4'4 11 11 Mo 44 4m3n 114 11'4 30 I 30 313 31i 113 1V3 4703 4A2 04k fl' 14) 11)i 1 41 4113 1031 94 94 4- 1 4- -r 14 6 IA't A Ig r1 104' 1 'tit 't 217s 1'4 ot 411 9 lIen ro 1 1414 Union Bag 9422 ii5l Union Carh 1106) 191t 1104 In Oil Fat I3() Jot Alt Union Parini 4 g0 1g 1 Parifie pr 20t Union Tank (' (1'10) 132 17a Unit Air Linet CIn 33 Unit Aire t1561 )(dig I Ca 131a United Rise (506) 1 6311 United t'arbon 3 31 United Corp It'l't 3414 Unit Corp pr (i75K) tto 4 Unitd Drug 1 11 60 Un TIVPWOnd of C7) 41 Un I Ire Coal 3 1g'a trt United Fruit II) 13 Illa 11 United 11 ltra Vit Unit Mr MIK 5 4 United Paperboard 4 11 53t Un For him 1 1 Ii Dittrib 4 Ili 3 I ODtrib 130 int 3 Unitd Statra Freight I WI Gyptum (21 1-3 Hoffman 3Ith 231i 13li Intl Alenhol 4 Ifta A It Leather A 40 33 I 411 4 Alt Realty Imp 11 311 Rubber 101 111 gA1t I Huh 11 pf lP IS 0 Dili I 0 SmA Ref AS AO 1' It III 1310) 43 SI1 Int Flee! pi tit 307i 91 11 0 Tobae (AM) 4 1 'United Store A 13 111 4704 Univ Piet 1st 40 3 4- 14 312 1 3'4 1 10112 10 1614 4 44 16ti 1102 th 99 WI 534 AN14 1151 12 7112 1112 1112 107 101i 1034 4 1 391 3 3e 4- I IP 1712 171i 171i 1 11012 511 312 11i 2A 21i 25 A51 35 35 a 61 02 412 112 4'i A'i 7 1 4 1 124 1212 1212 1i g12 7 012 0 47 44 7'i Al 04 4714 4 12 71 11 112 et 101 RR A 4 1 Vi 14 ei 1712 1712 1712 114 7 114 '11 41 4114 411i 37 13 1112 1112 1001i 1014 10104 1 ti 11 5214 511 4 114 014 111 61 5AN in7A 4117 10014 10 Ingl 4 30fit 3Ati 36ti th Vi Vi It 72 12 0'4 ti 5 160 2'm 211m 2 I'm T134 117m 'm 104 'm 14'4 3A 1 lte '2' 1'9 '9 It nt it 14 171'14 I 3A II 'I i Previou High Low Previou High Low 17' 5 14K '217k 3S2 1 -Eastern Air Eine II aatern Roll I EaIman End till II Eaton Mfg 5 Litingon Elect iito I I 511(I) Her Boat 1111fil 1 El Pow A Lgt II It A I pf It Pow A El pf 1 lee Sloe Bat it) 5 El Nat fas ft) ntliJohn I Engineer Pub Sera' It Eng pi I Eng 5141 pf 1A511i I quit off Bldg fie I rie 14 of ureka ac 1 vans Prod I quit off Itidr rie I no II or orrke ar II 7 I von Prod 1 iM 'NI' 2 2 14 44 44 3" Par Am Fish 4 )))) Par I (1 Cal 4 4161 1 311s 27 is Par 11 (2) A 30'i 49'7 41 Par Light i144 3 44411 I I ils 102 Par Mills I 1112 131 III Par I I 175K 1 341 1341 4" Vs Packard Motor IS 31s 11411 101s Pan-Am Air 3 11107 4112 Paraffin os 1 4312 I 1 A's Param Piet 115G) 1114 1Vis 11s Pram Piet 2 pi (OO) 2 1014 2ils )17 Park 11 Mines 1 1 11 43 314 Parke Davis 1110141 4112 II 'S Parker rrf (1) 3 111" I 51) Path(' Film 4 101s 11's 9 Patina Ent 41E) 4 10 f1104 11 Penney 11 t' 17561 IN RALS 51 3 Penn Dix Cment I 312 15114 Penn RR 1341G1 19)4 32'2 21 Penn Dr St 1141 I 401s 3111i Prop i26 1 3T1 3'4 Peoria At Eastern i 912 17 712 Pere Malin 1 11 15 Pere Nlarq pf I 21 41 El Pere Mani Pr pf II 411 '211 19's 17 Pet Milk 411 I 41 11 EX'S Phelps Dodge 130G Is 31'7 4 3 Phila II Trans 30 3's 10 C1 14112 Philip 31 orris PA I Ali 111" 3114 Phillins Petrol 21 '7 351i 13 3112 Pirelli 431191Fi 30 45 15" 7 Pitts 111 Va By VI 1013 12 Coal pf I 15 94 A 19113 Sti-PW Bolt 2 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gait 43's 11 19 li'g 311 311 Slit IN 13 IMO 1110 1 00 39'n ROO II of dividends in the foregoing table aro annual dia bursem*nta hoard on the laat quarterly or semi-annual dee laration leaa otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not Included eight' extra or extras or paid an far this veer vahle in stock last Year or stock hated dividend paid or declared this ear 11114 4371e 1)0i 13 (14 It 14 I JH -i '4 13 01 10:1 414 9 1 13" 8 18 1011 u4 PRODUCE roartot 212-23: exchange sneciala 21: ex- 11e poultry by freight linsettled I 2 27 hnerer 1 MI-Pi's hiel 2 ri 4 nd tar no Is20: frw ix 2i: mixed cointg 1 PI rl 'MOT' 19 ilk MiXeS 15 lehanie standards JP Resale of nearby firoilera rocka 2o Fowl coloted 16'1- nortlity 2 303 70 Isomer iewei sArks Leghorn 13-13 oser 2 Ihs IP row11 Lfte colored all Sj7PS Ill'AVier 111CditIMS i7-2n Nsarnv snd I7: Legbortlx 1314 Old rooster 131 poimida Florida White vartmis va- mwk 15-I2 mixed colnrs 14-IP: Leg-ila-la rents No 2's 10-12 Leghorn 12 nlifiVkPKterli exchange niediiims NJ Tw keys htn 22 young trims IN Docks 1 rieltes '20()-210 fair Laa-75 poorer 13-15 Roosters mixed colors 10- Roosters 910 Chickens New York Browns: Ncmrby extra fancy ISF 2-23 li 1 loyer 12 Leghorn 7-A 'broilers anti fryers att sizes la No Pt 1hr Alotor)Istrif Prrsq Nearhy and midwestern cxehange prie- fly exotes generAlly pinw Chirkero1 Ducks rckins 14-15 l's 12 Ilelaware rock And CrOSW-- NTW YORK Niay 1771S60etalf 19: change tandalds Ift Nrtrily no 2:2 cro 20: red ig tirm hreilers mil fryer all attes 1711-18 No 16 Misr ks 21-22 et 18-20: fteda 17-1A Baltimore 2a 12 Mixed colored fryer 14-15 Leg- horns broilers 2 14-15 'Under 2 lh itt Mixed colors 15 Live colored sit sj7P3 15-18 cents No 2's 10-12 Leghorns 12 Roosters 910 Chickens broilers Anti fryers all sizes is No l's 12 DelaNvare rnrk91 And rrOS5-- broilers and fryers all sires 1711-18 No 2 12 Mixed colored fryers 14-15 Lea- 17411 hro ier T2tirlkhen3 141so5d to to'nmder 12411b3s 1 graried extra firsts local 18 cars white 8 geese 11 furkeyS firsts local 14-ls cars lit current receipts toms 15 bens 17 '14: Florage packed firsts 174 extras: ILLS Dept 177 on 17l'2 track 334 total US shipments Monday Egg futures refrigerator standards Tuesday 723 new stock California Intim 1875 Storage packed firsts: June 'long whites firm demand very fond 116 511 Triumphs stronger demand: i poultry live 3 cars a7 trucks steady 1 Arty good: PtIpPhell moderate per cwt firm: hens over 5 Ihs 14 A Ms and iirtBliss Triumphs Latit*talla US No 1 11:1 der 14 Leghorn hens 12ls broilers 2lilwashed 230-35 unwashed showing spots rents Ms and under colored IR Plymouth sscks 100: Mississippi US No 1 un Old bens 10-17 tier I4s Leghorn hens 12's: broilers 211whed 220-15 unwashed Allowing spots Ihs and under colored IR Plymouthted sacks I PO titlississippi US No I nOut atrany 1reamrry eigher lean ex- Ira 24'4-2 extra 92 acnrr 23'4-24' Mirk rev: Neerev 1rehorrx 114-17 rnlored MAv Apple 1 Washington ilrera 18641 21'0233 seconds R4-1171 pacific Cont whIti umhe anti prem '1aahorns ift rolirts Hoeks 2-2a and potatoes 1Tchangert RI thr Asmrustrd Pirsm au 21 durns 27'1-3314 26' g-27 ittand- medrum in large -Za mall 21-' Sarrt potmtrws---doll FAstern hore so rsiA 1 Avthattel 11111 WASti(NGT(IN May iirl shout steady Creamery bigbor than ex- Ira 244-2 exits 112 IICOTP 23'4-247! Mirk erm Nearby 1114-2n Leghorng Ifi-17 yowl colored la-17 May --rndr: Appleal Washington unRock 174 White Bock 17ls: Leghorn washed I 91-2 05: Alabama IA No It 'washed 215-30: unwashed 2 01-10: Calls fornis tong whites US No I 175-P15 most-Rock ly 10 under ventilation 170 Old stock about steady supplies moderate demand Istr: Idaho Russet Burhanks US No I northern atOck mo sales tett ported Olney mostly 2 Oil: Jr t) is iiveoncs unchanged i broilers 2 lbs up 17 under 2 ths 15is: )75 whit arm to 1111 us 11 graded And tinted Chicago isprings Pl's hs up colored 21 Plymouth 1 On-21 ungraded 73-P0 North rsioncs 'ecA' 'Ma' 51)) Whites extras bitgo rHicAno May 31--Putter 1t391174 Rock 2312 While Bock 24: fryers over hustle! bickeis Pcrto Bicans 1S ts 1 on- cent Ti extrtli MediuMS IA (two days) St earl ler scored 2)4 ths colored IR Plymouth Rock 201 2 5: ungraded SOA 1tand4rd tars IR staru1atels12334: 42 254: PI 23: Pn 2214 AP 22)s White Rock 21: harehack chickens 14-17: fancy mostly 2 00: Jr' I) Is ua iitrt-iiiiss t1111Kuti 1 broilers 2 ibit up 17 under 2 lbs 151S1 75: white arid 74mrs 11411 tis 14! snt ood Anil rioted Chicago ipprinp lll's Ths up colored 21 Plymouth 1(043: ungraded 73-P0 North Carotins 'egg') 'Mal' 31)1 Whites Ili extras sago rftICACtO Mato 31--Butter 1974 13141 Rock 2312 While Bock 24: fryers over htlikhel bAk1011 Porto Ricans US Is 100-177 rent gall's' MedillmS IS 71- (two (law Steadier: erore 24 Ills colored 114 Plymouth Rock 24's :25: ungraded 5043 Hillard) largo la I-I) star1ards123341 P2 23)4: Pl 23: PO 2214 AP 2234 White Rock 211 hareback chickens 14-17: broilers 2 In up 17 under 2 ths 15s: springs 114 hs up colored 21 Plymouth 2324 While Bock 24: fryers over 24 ths colored IR Plymouth Rock 2412 White Rock 21: harehack chickens 14-17: Eggs 374141) irregular colora: i Faa futures closed easy Tictrigertitor keys bens 21-22 young toms 13 1)tit ka fancy to extra fancy 1111'4-20: standards firsts: September and October 39 FAITS 10 ero Poatoes steeds) to weaker Old 173:4: firsts 'Al's: seconds 15-10: ears la: dirties No 1 144: average gherissi Dressed poultry irregular S'resh: bbls 1 sick IMO Pounds MAtrr GI TTn 13'4 storage parked IrStS 714 Writs 11117 Tozen: bo-os and bblz Mountain WIT1P tante ottality and con- Whites: Rets il of premium marks wils turkeys lance northwestern 21414-2P'sirlition 1 3A-AA Poorer lower NeW Trnr I abrut steady onrnediumn 15 1l grades 14 Nearby 88 2134: PC centraliz ts ed carlo 2234-23 1014 'Worn roosters 10: ducks I Nearby and zn1clwestern premium other fresh and frozen prices unchaagedl South Carolina Cobbler 03-2431 somecnicaena 6041 very dull Chickens il4ligracted eggs: Current receipts whitesl Eggs 64119 (Iwo days) unsettled fresh1411 lb up colored 9 white 9 small col roosters 1014 leghorn roosters 10 lb up colored 9 whit 9 small col-.

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Article information

Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 5935

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (68 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.