The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)

THE OTTAWA JOURNAL SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1960 Weekly Price Range for Issues on Toronto Exchange -This Week- This High Low -Close Change Sales High Close Change 118 114 137 Taurcanis 3 Teck-H Temag Territory 29100 Thom Tiara Tombill Torbit Towag Trans Res 161 Trim Chib Shaw 1044 Mining Asbestos 3400 Un Keno Un Fort 34452 Upp Can Vandoo Ventures Evespar 10 Violam 6300 21 Waite Am 2859 245 350 Werner Malar 516 Surf Wittroy 16130 13. 110 Wiltsey 102700 Winch 1000 Wr Hare Lead 211 Yk Bear Young HG Yukeno 1000 Zenmac Zulapa 500 154 79 Curb Rulolo 2170 Gaspe Cop 300 1818 Pend Ore 255 250 255 WEEK'S MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS The Canadian Press INDUSTRIALS Creativ Tel 40096 BA oil 18180 Bell Phone 15630 Moore 14901 464 OILS. (Dynamic 112100 Daering 48500 12 Un Ponder Oils 70800 764007124 50 95 3 765 1300 Spooner 3 MINES Latin Am 2199210 104. N. Mylam 31 Marben 431300 Sunburst 392310 105 Hallwel 302975 BUSINESS- -FINANCE Hollinger Marks Golden Jubilee By R.

MAHAFFY of. The Journal Two, Mattawa brothers, who branched out from general into silver mining in Cobalt and put their wealth into, opening up the Porcupine gold camp, will be recalled when Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines marks its 50th anniversary this month. The brothers were Noah and Henry. Timmins from whom the town today takes its name. They formed a syndicate to develop the gold prospect discovered by.

Benny Hollinger and his partner Alex Gillies In October, 1909. This strike started the rush to the Porcupine. On June 28, 1910, Hollinger Gold Mines was incorporated. On the 1913 board of directors were Noah and Henry Timmins; 'John McMartin, of Cornwall, who is credited with making the deal with -Benny Hol- LIVE STOCK By The Canadian Press In spite of a neavier volume of cattle offered at public markets this week, the strong. demand for top grades of steers and heifers moved prices 25 to 50 cents higher on these, the Agriculture Department reported.

Cattle receipts at the 11 public stockyards this week were 25,500 head, 2,500 increase over last week and about Jess than in the corresponding week a year ago. Receipts at western terminais were: 18,000 head. Good cows were in good mand, but prices were more uneven. selling between 50 cents higher and 50 cents lower. The light offerings of top quality -feeder cattle were In good demand at prices varying from $1 higher to $1.

lower. The weekly livestock report said the overall quality of slaughter cattle offered this week gives indications of lower rating and is expected to be alightly below last week's 51.6 per cent of choice and good types. Exports of beef cattle to the United States' last week amounted to 1,476 head, bringing the total export movement to July 2 to 877. Good steers: Toronto, 23-24: Winnipeg. 22.50-23; Calgary, up 50 cents, 20.50-21.75: Saskatoon, up 50 cents, 21.25-21.75.

Good heifers: Toronto, up 25-50 cents, 21.50-22: Winnipeg, steady to 50 cents higher, 20-21; Calgary, up 25 cents or more, 18-19 25; monton, up 25 cents or more, 18.25-19.25. Good cows: Toronto, up 50 cents, Montreal. steady to 50 cents lower, Winnipes, steady to 50 cents lower, Calgary, up '25 cents, 14.50-15.75. Good bulls: Toronto, Montreal, 18.50-19.50; Winnipes. 1.50-2 lower.

16.50-17; Calgary, steady, 15.50-17. Good feeder Toronto, steady, 23-24. some sales to 25: Winnipeg. strong to higher 20.50-23: Calgary, 19-21; Saskatoon, steady. Grade A hogs: Toronto, 26; Montreal, down 27-28: Winnipeg, generally steady, 23.75- 24.25; Calgary, down 40 cents.

22.60: Edmonton 23; Saskatoon, 23.50. London Stocks FRIDAY'S CLOSING PRICES LONDON. July -Stock closings: Aluminium Ltd. Anglo Dev Bowater Paper Corp. 58s, Brit.

Alum. 63s 6d, Brit." Am. Tob. 59s 3d, Brit. Petrol Co.

Ltd. 11d. Can. Pac. Courtaude 708 Distillers 38s Dunlop 268 3d, Ford 3 d.

Gen. 35s 9d. Hawker Siddeley 30s Hudson's. Bay 165s. Imp.

Chem. 638 101d. Imp. Tob 656 3d. Monstanto Chem.

26s 9d. Rio Tinto 308 Rootes 13s, Shell 139s. Unilever Ltd. 1728 6 d. United Steel.

Corp. Vickers 331, Woolworth 638 6d. Dividends Declared By The Canadian Press Interprovincial Pipe Line Company, 60 cents, September 1. record August S. Steinberga Series pid.

81 32, August 15, record July United Corporation Class 38 cents, Class 8 15 cents, pid. 38 cents, August 15, record July 30. Vessel Movements SAINT JOHN The outnumbered the Toronto Stock Exchange changed totap'ed 187. Volume for the week was previous week's 6.221.000. date marked Canadian declines 431 235, this week.

Ussues 19.928.000. up krom the Total sales for the year (Quotations cents unless INDUSTRIALS This Week 1560 Sales Clese Change 12100 215 21610 6100 hafar 24 9045 1160 100 24756 450 400 445 350 217 320 1654 435 400 405 6020 3014 100 325 230 250 230 11142 400 $22 1075 500 854 8131 20 280 275 4688 27091 405 170 2885 204 $47 484 $22 3 15630 150 $46 1100 $50 300 420 100 32 19360 3025 40 $39 18180 $264 BE $314 31 $15 15. 3 Algoma Algon Algon Alumini Alum Alum Analog Analog Anther Imp Argus Argus Argus 2.50 Ashdown Attan Ace Atlas Steel Auto Elec Auto Fab Bank Mont Bank Rank NS r1 Bath OW Bath Pow: Beatty Beav. Lumb Bell Phone Bowater pr Bowat Bow Mer Bowater Bowes Brazil Br Tak Br Tnk Bright BA OIl 41pr BCE 4pr BCE 5 pr BCE BC Forest BC Pack A BC Pack Pow BC Phone Brockville Brown Build Prod Brulington Burns Burrard Pow 11145 Can Cem 1771 I Can. Cam 01 Pow 8 pr 41 $100 100 Bread 100 375 CCC Stone 100 $14 Ci Fadry 1625 100 $75 75 75 Can 315 Pack $45 Pack $45 Can Perm Safe 4 CSL Can Wire Bank Com 853 Can Brew 7000 31 Br Alum 170 CBAL A CBAL.

300 300, 300 Can Can Con Celan 1810 Cel 1.75pr 25 Chem 12035 Collier 3032 Colli 1790 Curt 130 Fairbks 1077 1344 Fairbks CF Prod 375 375. 375 310 CF Prod CG Sec 170 $14 Hydro Car 1840 $10 10 CIL 2800 Ind Gas 6563 418 410 380 2719. da OIl Oil 144 876 Can CPR Pet 1943 pr Con Tire 25 8181 .199 Vickers 150 Can Wall 830 CWN Gas 1734 Col Cell 1440 410 400 410 375 Comb Ent: 175 Con Conf Baka Life 510 156 Con Con Copp Gas Gas Clarki 8616 $401 104 8. Corby Craig Bit 200 -200 200 180 Crain RL 225 18 Creative Tel 40096 Crestbrk 1100 120 110 150 110. Crown Trust 29 25 Crown Zell Crus Int 1795 Crush -102 102 Dalex $86 66 Dist Seag $284 Bridge 2805 Dairies Dom Elec Dom Electve 250 250 250 Fadry 381 Fndry pr $98 Dom Scot Dosco 602 Dom Stores 5592 Dom Tar 7642 Dom Text 2745 Dow Brew to Econ In 34 Eddy Fam Play 9165 Fed Fleet Grain Mig 4600 100 168 2200 -Ford US Foundta Fraser Frosst Fruhauf 41 Gatineau Gen Bake 250 $71 Dev 11427 $141 Drill 1650 Gen Dynam GMC Drill GS Wares roodyear 10 $126 180 126 Goodyear 25.7543 GL GL Paper Power 1020 35 360 600.

600 GN Gas 1105 GN Gas pr 25 $41 GN Gas Bwt 160 Gas 140 130 130 GW Coal 420 425 GW. Great Coal West 800. 310. 300 Wpg Gas 6692 1050 300 300 675 GW Gasvt 10352 Wpg 56w 420 500 100 500 275 600 375 110 150 Greyhnd Guar Tr 175 $26 27 Gurney 220. Hardee 285 Hard $10 Hendshot pr Holden 0718 71 Horne 1040 375 350 370 325 Smith $38 Smith $401 Hur Erie Her 1213 Imp Bank 1250 Imp Inv Imp Imp Oil 14458 Imp Tob 2146 Imp Tob Pr 1262 Ind Accep 1358 Ac 4.50 100 Ae 2.25 Ae 2.75pr Ac $131 Inglis 460 445.

415 Inid pr 01814 Ind Gas 300 Inid Gas Inid Gas 1140 140 190 Bronze Int Util 1070 Int Uti Intpr 59w1 Inter PL Intpro Syn 105 Syn A 21509 Glass. pr 300 Jamaica Jefferson Jock 215 Jock Jock wis Kelly DA Kelly La bati Latarge Latarge NE Laura See Co A Los A wis 300 1 -This Seek High 1 855 Lob B. pr MB and PR Lob B. pe Loeb Locana 93 Maher 155 Leaf Mill 377 Mass 12489. Mass 545 McBrine 100 Mex L.P Mid West 6730- M.

Cont Molson Melson Molson Mon Knit Mon Kait Mont Loco Mont Moore 14901 Nat Drug 2117 Nat Drug pr 1047 Nat Groe pr Hos St Car 1175 Neon 175 Nia Wire Nia Wire NO NGas North 210 NQ Pow Nor Phone NW 70 Ocean Cem 1500 Ont Loan Oshawa Overland Overland Page Hers 3465 Parker 400 Pbina 1850 Penmans 185 Pow Corp 370 Pipe 3100 Premium 2000 Pres Elect 41500 QN Gas 9165 QN Gas un 115 ON Gas wts. 3562 Reichold 300 Reitman 75 Roe 6929 Roe Royal Bak Russell 365 StL. Corp 3140 SIL. Cp Apr 120 St. Maurice 1500 Salada-S 14655 Salada 2125 Scarfe Selkirk Shawin 1960 Change Stock Sales Rocky Royalite 1500 Sapphire 19500 Sapph debs Sarcee 6100 -Secur Free 2200 224 South Spooner 37180 Stanwell 7366 Submarine 1500 140 Tidal Trans Can 13000 2433 Triad oil Canso Un Oils 76400 Wayne 2000 Wespac Can 0G COG 1800 Weburne 15200 Watates- 1503 Decatta 11 Lease 100 Naco 305 Windfall 3000 12 Yan Can 20300 11 Black Bay 26700 Bordulae 3000 Bouzan Boymar 18000 Bralorne 510 Broul Reef Brunswick 350 132100 Buff Ank 2100 192 185 160 Buff RE 3000 Abacus 14541 315 Acad Uram Advocate 8675 Agnico 4553 Akaitcho Alba Expl Am-Lard Amal Rar AM Nephe 2600 Anacon 10214 Ang Hur 340 305 Ang Rou 18300 Ansil 22500 Area 1100 A Arcadia 19780 245 Allan 6700 Mias Yk 3500 Adin Ruf 3000 Aumacho 24333 Aumaque 68533 195 Aunor 3000 16 Bankene 4100 2000 Barnat: Bary Expl Base Meta 15400 Baski 21850 B-Dug 12005 Beav Lad 3500 Belcher Bethim Bevcon 6171 Bibis 21600 Bicroft 1900 Bideop 77900: Tambiyn 210 823 Taylor.

PCpr Texaco 2152 Teastar 125 152 106 Thorneliffe Tor Dom Bk Tor Elev 1575 Gen Tr 110 $39 Tor Iron Tor Iron 13 Fin 1604 538 Fin 183 $37 37 Fin 160 Fin" 57 170 350 350 Tr Can. PL 14229 Trans- Mt 3780 5 Tw Trans PPL Gas 410 410 410 850 Un Union Ace Acc 1050 100 Un Gas 6745 Fuel A Shan Corp pr 139 Un Fuel Steel 30 Univ. Vanadium Cont 4 Viceroy 315 3 310 165 150 Walk GW West Brew Webb Knp 285 270 245 350 Westeel $13: tel 12 Copper 260 Cop wis Weston 2597 Weston 2705 West 6pr 50 $106 105 106 106 West A wis 1910 Wood Woodwe White 1-pr $26 26 33 White Pass Wowd A Zenith 1725 255 Curb Angi Nild 3439 Am Bak 200 Assestos 1313 CD Sug 1463 Ving 836 CO tav Marconi 485 Paper 2251 Oil Cloth 145 Dupont 1921 'Dupont Int Pap Lob Inc 81 MO Paper 3305 28 Ogilvie Third Price Zeller' CG Br $35 3 Acme Gas AP: Cons AIl ROx Almines Am. Ledue 6900 12700 Anchor Asamera 5312 Bailey SA 5395 Bail 430 161 Banff 5500 Bata 12867 Britalta 2400. 210 190 Calalta 2600 37 31.

Cal Ed 1766 Calvan 600 325. 325 Calvert 2300 Oil Les 4930 100 oil Lwts 9500 OIl wis 250 Cs Pete 4100 Chiefta 13100 Can Dev 19725 Ex Gas 17820 High Cr 1230 Homstd 615 Husky 9391 Husky 1940 Superior 3505 Williston 700 Cent Del 15978 Charter Oil 3800 Com Pete 1100 210 Dragon East Cr 1273 Mic Mac West Pete 2480 Dev-Pal 28834 Dome Pete 1760 Duves 5700. Dynamic 112100 Fargo 6700 Fr Pete pr 840 Gr Plains 1835 Home Oil 6220 130 Home Oil 12198 710 105 1175 ou 12166 1450 Jump Pad Jupiter Kopan 3250 Li Pete 15000 Longpoint 6400. Majirans 2500 Marigold 18000 Mayfair 1200 Medal 17563 Midcon 25800 Mill City Cont 1 Nat Concord Pete Davies 1 NC NCO Northld Northeap Oils 71 Okalta Pae Pete Pae wis Peruv Oils Perme pr Pamell Petrol Phillips Place Ponder Prairie Oil Provo 'Gas 33489 Cuente. 6917.

Ranger 2450 Reef Expl WeekHigh Low. Close Change 12100 ine Bus MINES 161 71 21 130 150 210 Cable 2000 Cadamet 8750 Camp Chib 15225 $75 610 430 Camp RL 374 Tungsten 2800 160 160 135 Cdn Astoria 6000 Dyno 24040 Malart 16550 40 CN Inca 130313 Nweat 3500 32 Can Thor 4000 Candore 3800 Can-Erin 34515 Captain 2000 Cariboo 2000 80 Cassiar 3997 Cayzor 26300 Cent Pat 1300 Cent Pore 300 Cheskirk 31500 Chester 41310 Chibr Jae 14306 Chib-Kay 16800 Chib 2900 Chimo 7300 Chrom 1610 510 Coch Will 6155 276 Coin Lake 1200 Met Coniabas Conlaur 3000 Con Key 3250 Callinan 2062 4066 Discovery Fen 6313 Con Gillies 1000 CG Arrow 3075 Halliwel 302975 Marben 431300 Marcus 2143 Con 6195 Mogul 8760 Morrison 3300 Mosher 16630 Con Negus 58300 Northid 6600 Persh 1000 Rescourt 68400 Sanorm 12500 Con Sud 01941 Conwest 3691 340 Cop Corp 6000 Cop Man 2291 Coulee 10900 Coprand 18905 117 125 Cawich Cournor 1000 2500 Craigmt 4950 Croinor 1000 Crowpat 1600 Cusco 4500 -Deering 48500 D'Aragon 9600 De Cour 19500 Deer Horn 23000 19 D'Eldona 12800 Deinite 300 55 64 Denison 23583 955 1000 865 Dome 1286 21 Donalda 8000 Duvan 1000 Amphi 13000 East Mal 5600 East Sull 23195 180 Elder 60150 119 Eldrich 14700 15 Sol 3009 Eureka 20920 9185 Fwest Faraday Tung 5930 5500 Fatima 20800 Francoeur 1000 Frobisher 39263 Gaitwin 3300 Geco Mines 4781 Genex 5005 Geo Scien 1200 110 Gat Maser 1300 Giant YK Glacier 15 Goldaie 17 GF Mining 4000 Goldray 1333 15 Grandroy 13100 1800 Gulch 4300 Gull Lead 3200 Gunr Gunnar 13536 700 725 12640 100 Hard Halinor 120 145: 145 250 140 Rock 10830 Har-Min 2200 Hasaga 1561 of Lakes 6300 Headway 19400 Heath 2100 Hollinger 2430 Howey 1170 Hoyle Hud Bay Hu-Pam 3000 Hydra Ex Int Moly 112500 Int Nickel 15000 Irish Cop -Iron Bay 1se Waite Jacobus Jaye Expl Jellicoe Joburke 99000 Joliet 17700 Jonsmith Jowsey Kenville Kerr Add Kirk Kirk Kilem Min Town Wis 26800 17208 11000 101 Labrador Lake Cin 2600 default Lake Ling 101 Os Wasa Shore La Luz Lamaque Langis Lata Am 2199830 Peitch Lencourt LL. Lorado Lexihdin Lae Lorado Lyndhat I Macdon Mackeed 12450 Malartic Manenst I Maraigo Marcon This Week Slack Sales High Close Change Martin 79700 Matatch 13300 Mattacami 1100 Maybrun Mcintyre 3773 McKen McMar McWat Mentor Merrill 11700 Meta Uran 2200 Midrim 8365 Min Corp 1005 Min Ore 16000 Mt Wright 11725 Multi-M 72750 Murray 105300 Nama Cr 13250 Nat Expl 11700 Nealon 6500 Nes. Lab 1600 New Alger 11000 New Ath 43513 New Bid 11300 Cal 10700 New Delhi 18000 Dicken 270 270 Harri Geldvue Hosco New Jason Kelore 66100 Newlund 11800 Man 3000 N- Mylam 1002200 Newner New Rouya 1000 Nick 10070 Nipissing 2100 Nisto Nor Acme 3600 Noranda Norbeau 6000 8 Norgeld Noriartic 12000 Normetal 2876 Norpax 2500 Norsyne 15150 N. Coldstr 11446 Northgate 4021 Golderst .2700 Rank 3150 Norsp A wis 4000.

North Can 1000 110 110 Norvalie 12750 O'Brien 3100 Oka Race 1500 O'Leary 3500 660 101 Opem 6825 Montreal Stocks By The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange July Complete tabulation -Friday trans actions. Quotations cents unless marked. $. lot, Steek Sales Abitibi 875 Aigoma 1360 Alumin 1855 Argus 350 Argus 240pr Asbestos Atlas Steel Bank Mont Bk rta 2576 Bank Banque Banque Bath ow Bath Pow 1 Bell Phone Bow Cp 5 pr 150 Bowat 250 Bowater Brazil BA Oil BCE 5 pr BCE Forest Power Brown Build Prod Cal. Pow Can Cem Can Iron Can Bank Com Brew Celan Celan 175pr Fairbks Husky Hydrocar CIL.

C.In Power In Pow Pr oil CPR Con Con Textile Crown Cork Dist Sear Bridge Fndry Glass Steel Stores Tar Text Donohue 115 Dow Brew 110 Du Pont Dupuis Ft Koot Play Foundation Fr Pete -pr Gat pr Gen Dynam GS Wares GL Paper Holt Ren Smith Hud Bay Imo Bank Imp Imp Toh Ind Accep Int Nickel 1585 Int' Paper 99 Int Util 350 Int Util 150 Iroq Glass 210 Jamaica Labatt Laura Sec Loeb 525 MB and PR Mass-F 925. Mitch Rob 100 Molson 4 400 Molson pr Mtl Loco Nat Car NS Light Ogilvie 100 Ogilvie pr 15 Pac Pete 225 Page Hers 100 Penmans Placer 100 Pow Corp 157 Price Br 175 Prov Trans Gas 1270 Gas Que Pow Reitmans Reitmans Roe AV Royalite Salda-S Shawin Simpsons Steel Can Can Tor-Dom Bk Trans PL Walk GW Webb Knapp Weston Anglo 675 Pack Sug Can Kodiak Cons Paper 155 Oilcloth Inv Fnd Kelly Leblaw Moore Maclaren MIlT Prem 'Steel 100 Que Phone 130 Shop Save Shop Fin A Trans Free Union Gas Trans Mt 00 Prin Prop Waterman 1100 Anacon Atlas. Atlas Tele Atlas 2100 Atlas Tele 17067 Augustus 1000 Bailey Bateman Bellchase Belle Chib Burnt Mill Camp Chib Cameram Cent Del Chemaloy Chess Cad Monpas Crus Pete Frobisher Fundy Fatarity Golf Int Ceramic Israel Cont 1900 Stack Sales Orchan 55700 I Orenada 4500 Ormaby 1100 Osisko Pamour Abitibl Abitibi Dist Gaspr GaswE $100 160 145 $14 $14 225 $11 11 $11 340 325 325 290 240 $53 210 $18 465. 70 $67 $94 525 480 505 420 420 420 4 12 205 370 340. 804 Shawin Apr 404 Silverwd 950 Simpsons SKD Mig Slater Somville 51 $1 Souteam 105 Spartan Stafford 410 Pav 154 St.

Radio St Wire 125 115 Stedman 31. 323 I Steinberg 24 Ster Tr Propane 5 Prop 210 450 Suptest ord Suptest com 410 Switson 560 270 Patine Pate 1439 Paymast 4773 .115 Pee. Expl Peerless Perron 6700 Pick Crow Pitch-Ore 1000. Placer Portage Pow Roy Preston Pros Air 900 (Purdex 12000 Que Ascot 9567 Que Chib Que Cop 19200 Que Lab 21000 Que Lith. Que Man 4600 Metal 4300 Quaston 5100 Quemont Radiore Rainville Rayrock 38100 Ralm 5973 Reeves 700 Renable Rexspar Rix Athab Roche Rockwin Rowan a Con 3000 San Ant Sand Riv 9700 110 Satellite 78864 Sheep Cr 1800 Sherritt 14403 Sigma 1450 SIl Miller Sil Stand 500 Siscoe 2630 Stanleigh: .59374 Stanigh 17060 3700 Starratt 11000 131 Steeloy 2000 154 Steep 29640 Sturgeon 2500 Sud Cont Sullivan Sunburst 392310 Sylvanite 14525 WALL STREET By The Associated Press New York Stock Exchange July ad -Ex-dividend.

Heck Sales ACE Ind 500 Allegany 12000 Allis Ch 3800 Amerada Am Can 5900 Am CYan 4800 Mot 37000 Smelt 5100 Am Std 4800 Am Tel 24800 am Tob 3200 Anaconda 6600 Armco St 4700 Armstg Ck 1500 Babco*ck 2300 Balt Ohio 5900 Beth Steel 13900 Boeing Air 4800 Borden Co 3600 Borg War 3700 Budd MIg 3000 Burl Mille 2400 Burough 22600 Calumet 400 Can Dry 1200 CPR 2400 Case JI 7900 Cater Trae 11700 Celanese Ches Ohio Chrysler Cities Sve Clevite 3400 Coca Cola CBS 'Comi Solv 11000 Con Ed Container 2200 Cont Can Con Oil Copw Steel Crane Co Crown Zell Curtiss Wr Deere 3900 Dist Seag 100 Dome 600 Douglas Dow Chem 3000 Du Pont 4000 East Kod 3300 Eaton Mig 1800 El Paso ng 10200 Firestone 3800 Ford 12500 Fruch Tra Gen Dyn 5600 Gen Elec 12900. Gen Foods 1900 Gen Mills 3200 Gen Mot 27500 Gen Tire Glidden Goodrich Goodyear Gr Paige 3400 Grand Un 1400 GL AP 4200 GL Nor 2800 Gulf Oil 12500 Homatk Hud. Bay Interlake Mint Rus 1900. Harv 4100 Nick 4000 Int Pap 5300 Int Tel 17100 Johns 5000 Kennecot Kreage Loew's Marsh Martin Merck 5600 Mina MM 11400 Minn Ont Monsan 4800 Mont Ward 45400 Nat Aviat Nat Cash Nat Dist Nat Gyps NY NH Cent Nor Pac Ohio Oil. Outb Mar 32200 Parke Da 10600 Penn RR Phelps Philco Phillip Mor Pit Plate Proe Gam Pullman RCA 37500 Repub sil 3500 Rey Tob 1500 Royal Dut 11000 Sears Roeb Socony Sinclair Sheraton Sperry 15700 Sid Brand oil Cal Oil.

Ind Std OIl 28500 Stud Pack 31000 Sun Oil Texaco Tex Sulpher Thiekol Tidewater Twent Ci Un Carb Urd Aire Utd Gyps Corp 1100 Rubber US Steel 13500 Un Tel Walkers Vanadium Westhouse Woolwth Kerr Add Latin Am 15200 Merrill 3000 N. Formag Hosco NA Rar NW Amult Santiag Opemisca Orchan Paudash Portage Provo Chib Cobalt Lath Smelt Law RivE -Default Steep Asbestos Vanguard Virginia Closing ar Ex-rights, HTOOT High Close Ch'ge 451 Net High Low Close 39 $54 415 410 $53 $46 400 $52 $11 $301 53 894 200 $70 70 70 57 $45 4 400 400 59 $56 $41 $29- $15 15 $41 945 945 $35 700 700 700 -26. 280 280 CANADIAN 401 $32 4716 $30 MINES 37 3 4g 31: 37335 57 209 2104 127 132 514 516 57 100 65 112 Journal Want Ads bring quick results. linger; Duncan McMartin, of Montreal, John's brother, and David Dunlap of Toronto. Hollinger Gold Mines began production in 1912, the company becoming Hollinger Consolidated Gold.

Mines in 1916. This month the anniversary will be celebrated the pouring of a gold brick at Timmins. This brick will bring total producton since 1912 to 000. Total output to the end of 1959 exceeded 17 million ounces. Only one other mine on the continent-Homestake -has achieved this Dividends paid out since 1912 have totalled more.

than $140,000,000. For years Hollinger was the second largest gold mine in the world. Now gold has assumed lesser role. Last year there was $482,678 loss on goldmining operations, before costaid, and iron are brought nue of Net profit for the year was $5,578,940 or $1.13 per share, against cents in the previous year. The "Timmins family still carries on.

Jules R. Timmins, a son of L. H. Timmins of Mattawa, is president, Two sons of Noah's, Leo H. and N.

A. Timmins, are vicepresident, and director respectively. Allen A. McMartin is director. New Survey Out The Financial Post's Survey of Industrials, 1960 of 416 OILS pages is just to hand.

In a foreword, it is pointed out that the firm recovery of Canadian corportions from the 1957-58 decline is clearly shown in the volume. The many hundreds of companies reviewed in the Survey cover a wide variety of industries: manufacturing, public utilities, -pulp and paper, merchandising, iron -and steel, chemical, electrical, printing and publishing, investment trusts and mutual funds, banks, oil and pipelines, property development, trust and loan companies and transportation firms. Bonds Improve At the end of June, prices of long-term. Government of ada bonds were point to point and a half higher than at the end of May, short term convertible issues advanced by one-half to three-quarters of point and provincial, municipal and corporate bonds also improved, Nesbitt, Thomson and Company comment in Taking Stock W. -C.

Pitfield and Company's 54 common stock average showed an average yield of 4.44 per. cent at June 30 against 4.28 per cent June 1, and 3.71 per cent June 30, 1959. Price-earnings. ratio was 14.7 compared with 15.0 and Can You Save $8.33 or more per month? and after an Initial saving of $200. you, too, can become an owner of.

Actual results a Plan started in 1933, in which the average savings were only 81,350, could have been cashed on December 31, 1950. at net Growth Agures for 10 and 15-year pestoda are also most interesting. Ask John Graham and Compang Limited for fatt details Sparks Street. Ottawa 4. Telephone CE2-5318 no cation..

The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.