The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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I MN Ad" iiiMitAINEENOMMESIMalln111M 140100111412tilMblillagEMMIPME MINION ad ENNEMOII 4110M111110millagemonmamimeimMIEntlimmomoommollaaallihmiamminimfil dmirAlModionmannomounnommOloila Alt osaimxossamsti Mumma Ilmummc 111MUMMAIIMIEMM I PAGE SEVEN The Foremost Newspaper of The Two Carolinas-WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 25 1939 SECTION TWO THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER SECTION TWO Total SALES" Previous Day Week Ago 1163330 973890 1842050 NEW YORK STOCK LIST Obstrotr TROTTER Financial Editor glOINOIV 41I W500066' awvm Year Ago 1487900 SALES1Two Years Ago 1815640 Jan 1 to date 4s IUAloi46 -0001ttkle1040'4mwt iwtAw4u 't4Itivemilkotok it yor111110211 V'' i 119 LvIall t- A ti At I ft 4 4 i 011-srlftr- TROTTER Financial Editor 1011111111111111101111111114 (Total SALEV Previ" 3 Day 1163330 973890 Ago 1842050 ow me NEW YORK STOCK LIST a SALEST Year Ago 1487900 wo Years Ago 1815640 Jan I to date MARKETS AT A GLANCE Previous Sales Nei High Low Stocks Div Huila High Low Last Chg Previous Roles High Low Stocks th Div Hnerd High Low Net Last chg 21t4 4 Stock Averages In The Spotlight Ali 71 A NEW YORK: specialties higher elected fnreign loans Jump FOREIGN sterling improves trade and local buying liquidation and Cuban selling renewed Japanese inquiry tor roPper WOOL Roston and trade buying (Compiled by The Associated Press) ito 4t I6 is CHICAGO: lower steady to 23 higher HOGS-10-13 down top $190 SO 15 15 Ill Indust Rails 111111 Stooks Net things 4 1 43 -1 Tuesday 1511 130 403 Previous day 737 230 309 634 Mrith ago 701 31 3111 635 Year ago 777 217 374 634 1939 High 770 231 400 WA 11311 Low MA 157 837 616 1935 High 795 13 5 378 547 1931 Low WI 121 840 317 The 15 Most Active Stocks Tuesday By Th Associated Press $ales In Bm Bigh Low Clove Comorith Southern 193 Pis 1 to Ilia North Am AVigt1011 'MO 2144 25 2714 Curtiss-Wright 11 Mis Pm 11114 Am Rad Std San 17 11 is 101s II is 12 National Gypsum "II Ilia 1 l's 111 Aviation oils 28 7 7 1141 Yellow Tris 181 21) 14 2018 204 Paramount Pictures 119 Ws 14 is I It Steel 173a 76' 4 Vian Consol Aircraft 149 3011 2111 aril i Central 1'9 22 211: 21 is Nash-Kelvinator l'" Mis l'is General Motors 1'0 51s 51a 51 is Cornwith Edison 11 it 30 3 Radio Coro 107 81 8 8 I 4g 2 1111 Sales Not Stocks la Div Dotard High Low Lest Chg g4 Movement in Recent Years 1933 Lew 1711 Sol 239 lel 1929 High 1499 19:19 1141 1971 19 27 Low MA 953 11 ILI 1 li a4 4 II 1 Ps 116 2214 2214 226 1714 1714 1714 14 1311 14 24 2314 24 157 157 J57 146 1474 14114 1714 1114 1716 1414 11 1114 PP' 15111 1514 914 911 Ala 2514 2414 2414 1214 1114 124 144 141 2216 22 2216 135 135 135 33 32 33 914 0 9 414 7514 7334 1174 11'11 11A8 43 43 43 J514 J514 754 474 414 4'14 014 014 404 40 4014 110 110 110 1574 1536 1546 5914 AA 59t 22 2116 24 24 24 4314 4214 3216 32'4 3214 734 714 714 107 107 107 136 134 116 414 414 414 15 144 15 2474 204 204 144 144 104 2714 23 274 1374 234 57 A7 37 53714 534 574 Ilsi 111i 1141 11014 100 1101i 6'8 5'4 Ps 13! 201 Net 1514 Chg up It 9114 214 1114 14 913 14 4'4 14 11 3314 14 11 113 13 3114 4 II 1 3314 114 1 133 4 1 36'4 Ill 1 11102 4 IN 914 14 2414 2114 9 91 1514 3013 Nei 91 117 64 14 214 711 3114 14 303k 4 304 914 91 11 35 11 10314 131it 2016 1514 131a 913a 117a 971s 414 3171 115 3111 tiola 3314 133 111a 3016 11102 934 2476 21711 9 91 157o 301a 91 57 88 is 21a 77111 3119 3031i Ala 3011 014 HI 35 Previous Sales Not High Low Stocks Jo Div lindrd High Low Last Chg 236 221i 91'11 291 1174 14 1134 213o 311i Ay the Associated puts VORK Oct 21--Following Is the complete closing list et teday's transactions On the New Work stock exchange: ig 114 11 'a Previous Blab Low 11s At 0 I3'S 1 I 33 211S I's is 10Is 134 Is 17'4 II 2231 10 33 221S Ills 3334 1014 3114 235e 1411s 1201s 33's 2114 2134 Ws 12'S 10 OR 0 OS 3'S 221s It 44 Goebel Brew (20A) 8 21e 2414 I Gold Stock Tel (8) 10 SI ill Goodrich 21 122'14 21ti 21 Goodrich pt (3) 3 8714 87 47 Goodyr TAR (156) 24 281a 1814 28 Graham Paige Mot 3 14 la Granby Min i1061 1 117a Grand Union 1 114 114 7 Grand tit pt t128h) 2 1714 Ins 77 Granite City SU 4 2171a 2011a 21 Grant 1WT) 141111 3 34 33'14 33 Gr Nor I 0 ctt (150) 7 19 1914 13 Great Nor Rv Pt 37 33 311m 31 Great West Sugar (2) 11 321a 311e 31 tir West Sug Pt (I) 20 132 132 132 Green (2) 27 311:4 381k II Greyhound Corp 1381 27 1714 17 77 Greyhound pt 5 (55) 2 114 11fi 71 Guantanamo Sugar 11 31a 3 3 Guantanamo Sugar pt 79 211i 2111 22 Gulf Mo North 314 341 3 bult pt 8 2811 20 20 AI 19 RI 112 91'i 11'4 22Ii 2013 4- PM 011 611 Nash-Kelvi Ciao 122 261a 11 Nash Chat St 771 National Acme It's 711 Nat Avia Corp 160G) Mt 2614 21111 Nati Biscuit (120(i) 2A 115 1171n Nall Biscuit of (1) 1 1611 1014 Nat Bond I (A00) I 2f06 114a Nail Cash Beg 26 10 1414 Nat trylin (35(i) 1211 1213 141 Dairy Pr 16061 33 Vs 111 Nat Dept Stores 6 211t Wm Nat Distil Prod a A3 1674 114 Nat Gypsum 211 104 113 Nat Gypsum pi (130) 2711 1771 National Lead (30) 4 jot J32 Nat Lead of 11 (0) 3311 101 Nat Mall tI Cast A 10 $la Nat COO) 7 IC 62 Nat St Corp f121161 11 11111 11111 National Supply 6914 331s 1111 of (61176111) I 20 19 Nat Sup 12 of I Vit 23is National Tea 12 111s ta Natomas Co 1140) 12 32 Newbury 1) (2i 11211 101111 Newberry 6 of (11) 111 I 611 Newport Industries 11 132 27 Air Brake (IG) 23i I Io New lurk Central 129 2511 Wit Chi St 1 2 1574 IlOt Chi St pf 12 1311 30 Omnibus (3A) 1 1074 111 Dock lialt 107 Harlem (a) XI 17s 11 New 3 614 of 17 61 Ship Bldg 216 1414 Norfolk At West (10) 1 113 10311 of (I) 10 2711 Ins Na Am Avia (10G) 330 241s lits North Am Co 1106i 62 697a 621a Am Co 6 of 43) 39 110'2 NA( 614 of (211712) 7 1t71 7 Northern Parific 211 11214 10) Nor Sta Pow of (I) 3 648 211 Nor Tire at Bub "0" UPS Ohio Oil Co (20E) 30 1 1 la Olo er Farm 3 2011 12 Omnibus Corp (1204) II 1131s 111471 Omnibus p1 (A) 10 $la 114 Oppenheim Collins 2 27's Mho Otis Llevator (6561 37 73 Otis Steel 16 5112 It Otis SD I of 70 AO 04 en III Glass (2) 1 Proviouo High Low Ii I Ri 24 Sales Storks Div tindrd High Low Last Cb bbot Lab (1641A1 6011i fS 66 1 bbott Lab rt wt 7 111 l'a ems Steel (2) 3 311a 9412 512 dams Lap (19) 10 914 ID ti 5 13 Abbot Lab 1160A) 1011a fili wi A Abbott Lab rt wi 7 111 Acme Steel (2) 3 511: 512 511s Adams Lap (1011 lo 214 10 Addrestograph (110) 5 1111i 111a 1831 Low Last Chg Chg 34 I Vits 63 Sterig Prod (3841) 3 75 75 73 lVN N'a Stew Warn Speed Sta ik 734 311 Stokely Bros 3 N's tr's 614 Ws (25G) It's 13ts It lk 514 Studebaker t13 911 911 0Ni la Mt 4534 Sun Oil tl) 4 SS 5 Mt Iik 1211 Sun Oil pt t6i 60 125 125 123 It's Via Sunshine Mg (120G) 2 Nth VI Fri Suphtr Co 450) 3 3I's 3136 411 3's Superior Oil 12 2t 2t4 214 221a 10 Superior Steel I I 1 itti Sweets Co of Am I 7 7 7 25's 17 Swift Co t120i 3 22 211S 211i 31'1 211a Swift Int i'2) 2 3211 32'4 3214 Ills 41s Symain4iid sww I li's Ws 4 16 pR VII Symen4iid aw 2 113 12 Ill 1 -4- 1t 12 11n 4- 24 4 -H Mmgm 43 AR 2114 1314 4- 1734 A It A'n 91 111n 92 4IS 31 lioti 1 3714 7 4834 14 3574 11 11A 1 1344 33 linit 47N 74 i 4 2314 1: 22't 111 81 1n Al 19 931i I 48 Ai 41311 14 1314 114 A4 6934 3044 14 2414 44 Aln 4- 3014 In 83 81 114 87n Aa nil Al 1064 44 114 18 Pis As 3 A1i An PA IA 14 13 44 144 94 4634 3614 14 3 28 ak m4 60 14 6314 1 14 169 414 114 14 2574 -r 14 9114 44 30 814 8214 An 361s 14 35 1 1316 14 81 14 491i 9234 114 A14 as 774 114 14 Is 614 -r 36 I 814 14 2814 Az 2 3 as 111 14 1 7k aa 1 it 's 1 1 11 '4 14 AN ii I tl Its II It 112 II III 13a 211S 131i Checker Cab 0 2116 21 4714 27 Chesap 0 121 29 4316 4271 95111 3576 Chesil)) 0 of (I) I A9 89 291s 1714 ('heap Corp (1206) 8 2176 27 416 Pt Chic Gt West of 1 314 814 1)1i Chi Mail Ord (7561 1 1376 1316 DI Chic Pneu Tool II 177o 1771 10 Chick Cot Oil (256) 2 1212 12 5 Childs Co 5 814 fitit 5171 Chrysler (46) 0114 9011 9 City I (906) 1 121a 121a 79 City I of (850 50 12 142 211 City Stores 2 414 411 15 Clark Equip (1256) 4 3476 34 10071 Cleve El DI of (150) 20 11012 11011 2011 Cleve) Gr Br (I) 7 3714 37 3111 Climax Moly (120) 21 4914 41 2114 Clue It Pub (756) 57 354 aiji 195 Coca-Cola 11( 5 119 115 1111 Colgate Palm (AO) 17 I34 131 2016 Col Ai (756) 10 151 11 3334 1110 Col Aikm of (31 177 7101s 11014 Vs Col be 1st of 10 77a 75a ll'a Col Ir I 2311 2312 11 Col Br Sys A (105G) 7 22111 211s 516 Column 85 711 71a 7411 Col pf A (0) 5 WI 82 Os Col Pict vie (2111lF) Pi 711 18 Col Pict of (24) I 19 19 73 Colum Carbon 441 2 0311 03 3876 Comma Cred (4) 4814 4771 42 Comm Inv Tr (4) 12 344 0313 81 Corn Solvents IS 1336 134a Pa Comwith at South 493 Ito 111 4534 torn az of t31 17 10 89 2 Comwith Ed (1-55( Ilit 3031 3)I4 19 COn101 Nairn (736) IA 21's 24 5 Congress Cigar I 776 434 Conn Ry LI of 0 oil tos 15'1 Con Aire Corp 130 3076 2711i 57a Consol Cigar (756) I 11I4 1Cla 7911 Con pr of (050) 111 17 87 Cons Cop Min (30G) 7 171 1171 27 Con Edison (2) 73 3113 31 10171 Con Alit et ill) 4 10816 10571 2' I Consol Film Ind lia Po 1116 774 Cons film of (75K) 10 17a 07a 77a 47a Consol Latin 3 5 6 als 111s Cons Oil (710) 23 $71 111 1111 18 Consum Pow of (430) 1 08 98 1811 9111 Container Corp 30 1011 1571 22'41 illt Cont Baking A 6 1514 15 2 116 Cont Baking 11 Pa 11i 100 rits Cont Bak of (11K) 1 14 94 5114 321a Contin Can (2(i) mill) 47 Wit 10a 5 Conl Diam Fibre 1 1 377a 291a ont Ins (180A) 0 37 3811 4 17a Continen Mot 30 3 3 3111 19to Cont 0 of (75G) 10 217a 2734 3216 Jaia (song Meet (75G) 1 30's 303a 811) 49 Corn Each Bk (3) 220 80 591a 8713 54'S Corn Prod (3) 1 8376 17246 177 150 Corn Prod of (7) 3 16711 116 471 3 Cot' Inc (256) 24 414 411 23a 1 Coty Internal (20G) 0 116 38 18 Crane Co 40 2711a 25 110 93 Crane cv of (5) 1 9774 97la 3211 20711 Cream of Wh (2) 30 30 13 87a Crooley Radio Corp 4 871 811 4111 2014 Crown Cork 4 15 331s 3171 401a 33 Crown of ww (125) 1 301 a 38'111 371a 28 Crown of zw (225) 1 35 35 1016 Crown Zell (PH) IA 1571 I511 DI 75 Crown Zell of (5) 10 57 447 52(11 2411 Crucible Steel 15 4311 108 82 Crucible Steel of 2 22 2214 11111 '271 Cuba ft of 20 5's Ala 13 3 Cuban Am Sugar 21 77a 7A4 03 43 Cuban A 8 of (4K) 20 79 771 19IS 9 Cuahy Park 4 lAti 10t2 716 3'4 Curtis Pub 6311 311 Curtis Pub pf (125K) 3 57't 50 9'11 44 6 Curtiss Wright '771 816 77a 201 1916 Curtiss Wr i 16) 07 2376 2816 25 13's Cutler Ham (256) 1 24 21 214 21 4314 417S A9 89 2144 27 314 314 134 13'4 1174 171t 1114 12 F04 A14 9114 90's 1114 121s 101 92 414 411 3434 34 11014 110't 374 31 494 414 3314 3144 11A 115 1344 1314 3534 3344 11012 1104 75 134 2314 22141 211n 71t 114 Al 81 111 114 IR 19 P3'n 63 484 4774 3344 43314 1334 1314 174 1's 10 69 3014 3014 Ws 24 114 114 614 3014 2A14 81 834 17 81 Ain 1171 3114 al 10614 10514 114 114 914 944 6 144 14In P8 98 1814 13An 1314 13 144 144 144 Pi 47 4614 A A 87 3944 3 3 28 4 2734 loos 34441 60 3914 63A4 6144 16111 166 44 414 114 I's 2614 23 9114 9714 30 30 814 8114 3314 3114 3944 3644 33 35 45It 1514 81 $7 4914 4814 $3 9114 34 $14 I's 714 IA 78 1A1t 19ti A's 614 371t 34 1114 174 2914 2814 23 23 4 tl 4 1k -1 51i ti 4- 24 4 14 Ali 244 1374 10311 -r -r I lati Hall Printing 4 IA IR IA 103 98 Hanna $3 pl (3) 70 7011S 10112 1911li 3311 17 Harbison Walk (45G1 8134 3114 311 11 1114 41a Hat Corp A (110G) 1 A A 14 44 2 Has Body 23 111 4 41a 14 1104 93 Hazel Atlas GI (5) 2 108 10A Ing 14 13111 104 Hecker Prod (80A) 8 We 113i 1 Ils 117 199 Helme (GW) (3A) 2 108 187 107 187 111 Helme (614') pt (7) 10 153 153 153 17 19 Hercules Motor 7 17 1834 17 It 1011a 83 Hercules Pow (120() 1 1194 R94 1194 84 Al 294 Holland Furnace (2) 49 31V 4 3134 30414 1114 Hollander A 15 9 JT l'a fitil I 4734 Homestake 51in (150) JI 534 537 4- an 174 it 14 Houd-Hersh C23G) 2 1 VI 1134 1 474 9'6 412 Houston Oil 5 174 134 734 'a 7 40 Howe sound Co (IA) I 2 2 334 Hud A 117561 9 28a 28 28 4- 3i VII 41 Hudson Motor Car 22 14 tili Aaa al 2s 36 Hupp Motor Car IR I's 1 14 14 2354 I334 103'2 174 1134 14'4 SI'4 64111 4- lk II As Is 18'4 hio1 643 1770 1111 SI 's 661 -t- IR x4 64 7174 1514 4114 114 3811 94 104 201 3R 46 4 614 104 114 2114 6114 414 11 614 314 514 334 134 41'4 4'4 3814 2014 33'4 414 4 3114 1014 1214 21'4 3134 11 93i 3'3 314 1534 4714 3511 Biz 94 20 3514 412 4 3934 102 2111i 5114 111i 934 312 IM 7la 4'S T6 knit Ise t3116) I $I4 Telautograph (25G) 2 22's RI2 TIPINS Pao Ry I 503s 326 Texas Corp (2) 24 5'4 314 Texas 611 Prd (19GI 39's 29 Texas Gil Siphri175 It 1116 7 Texas (19) 13 9 9' Texas Pao Land Tr 21 1914 Thatcher Mfg 49 3o The Fair pr 70 l'a 111s Thermo id Co 4 Os 3 Thmpsn URI 4 3I'a 17 Thmpsn Prod 175C0 11 13'1 Thmpsn Star Pt I Itta Sta Tide Wit A 011493411 21 'Vs Tim Del Atile(23(1) 511's 31'4 Tim Roil firs (iri) 5 Transamerica (50) Ws 91i West Air 101s 5'6 1 41s 2 rl Cont Corp 7'4 Ti Traer Coal 1 2914 11 Teen (en toz 34's 1911 TWell ox pri1301 334 I's Twin City Rap Tr 35't 1711 Twin CDs II 111 30 12's 711 Twin Coach 1 I' lb ab lb 46 II 1112 11 file -I 11 44 11 214 14 14 11 11 11 14 18 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 18 14 '11 18 14 14 14 '4 214 14 12 44 14 I Mmg 1 1 116 A 8 A 4- Wit li'i 141i 16 14 2374 23711 2374 34 3'4 314 3()4 3914 304 4- InI IO1 101i -1 lb 4- I An ill 15'9 154 1541 45'i 4fl'4 4531 25 271i 21 119 117 119 9319 91 9511 1719 15T1 17 14's 314 VI 4914 4479 45 10:14 193a4 1 5 5 IV Wit 131n 219 219 a'a Vatt 19 tt 4 Is 203i 49 291i j31 I Wi 21 It Wit Int4 111 3sie 1954 7144 1114 "II Id 11's 8 23'I8 23 Ws 11 3Vs 31 47 41 ISIS Is 3's 3 181141 181 Its 1 43's 43 82 3 91i 9 2's 2 1117s JO 9'88 9' 914 91 3it 3 4'1 4 30 31 233 20' 1111 33 30 3J4 9'4 91 811s 81 Ws 48' Ws 41 0:114 MV 231 231s 1133 Ills 30-14 31 47 41'1 11114 3's 7814 1414 114 4313 431 82 3 212 193 103 93 9114 9113 3'3 412 30 31 2331 2111i 4314 4at2 311 311 314 9'4 914 111 4134 413s 414 411s 14314 133t 7111 53 A 11a litsi 311s 1114 61i 2714 151 A 4514 Air Reduction (IA) 631s 6234 631s 10 611 Alaska Jun (111() 8 6114 1136 6 'a 2 i Al leghany 13 13a Ila 144 2011 534 Allegh pf $3) ww 16 Ills 1V 17 1814 4 Is Al legh pt $10 sew 2 15 15 I 21114 13 Al Its Lud Sti 9 2536 251i 2531 20014 1111 Al Dre 181 9 Mit 11314 1)1514 2 11a Pa Allied Mills (750) 1114 1114 1114 lila 8 Allied Stores 61 It 10444 103a 71 Al Al Stores pl (11) 3 0511 6514 0472 1 47 2A Al lisC Mfg (75111 21 It 431A 4- 191 1234 Alpha Cem 11501 2 1613 1104 4- 7114 511 Amerada (2) 1 6734 6714 6714 2414 14 Am Ag of 11 (10) i 22 22 3711 1111i Am Airlines 12 371a 3714 3714 1734 934 Am it Note (211(1) 2 13111 1314 131e -t- 1 00 4911 Am of IP 521a 52 52 31a Am Bosch 4 Ila 7 1 11611 A114 Am Can (1) ad8 II I 113 11314 014 1614 Am Car rdy 391a 3114 $4 3014 Am rdy pf I 61 6034 6034 1 25 131a Am Cab (550) 2111 21 213o Ali 5 Am Colortyp Co 4 71z 711 712 111a A11 Am Coml Ale 2 914 916 914 1 2314 Am ErICAUS Til 33 33a 3 314 4- 1 313 2 Am For Pow I 212 211 212 211i 111 Am $11 pf A 2314 231a 233 2811 121i Am $7 pt 271a 27 273 83 1 Am flaw SS (1) '251i 2511 2512 21 Am Leath 10 7 6 ST I 35 4134 Am Prod 12401 2 4' 41 4A11 1 311 las Am lea 1 21i 2's 214 25 111e Am ice Pt I 2114 2114 2114 9 336 Am International 2 73a 714 21a 303i 13 Am Loco IA 2114 27 2714 i 791i 41 Am Loco pt 2 71 It 71 1534 I I Am rdy (AM) 17 133i I31i 1311 401a 251i Am Metal 1506) 1 2731 26441 27 1 28 211i Am Co 1115(1) I10 Itra 22 2231s 1 34a Am Pow Let 17 111i 53e Ali 62Alt 22 Am $11 pf (3K) 20 52 501i Mili 11 45414 2 1t Am P6 (2501(1 12 tgli 43a 14 11134 Illit Am Rad St 113o 101O 104 142 lio Am St pt (7) AO 11611 1161 2231 1111 Am Rail Mill 11 2031 2034 203s 11010 50 Am p1 1125() 11 10 7811 oo 1516 111 Am Saf Raz (111)) I 1I Ills 1131 20 9 Am Seating (50r) A 1214 12 12 461'4 251i Am Shobidg 1150(1) 1119 2934 391i 323t 63 313 Am Sm Ref it) 21 5514 511a 514 41 201s Am St1 ildrs 19 3414 3434 3411 1111i 9 Am Stove (155G) I 151s 157s 15711 941i 51i Am Sug of (7) 4 0:011 02i 9 rote flo Am Tel (0) 13 10644rA8A4i 16811 a Alli 73 Am Tab (5) 7 791 2914 791i AIN 1514 Am Tob (5) 44 11 12 111141 Si a 15214 132 Am Tab pf (6) 4 1 112 113 142 1136 41S Am Type rdrs A bill 0111 1131 A1a Am Wat Wks 42 1336 131 1334 151i 341 Am Woolens 9 13 1271 127o 11 6414 21131 Am Wool pf 8 55 15111 12 4 Am Ld Sm 15 911 9 40 203i Anaconda (75(1) 63 341i 331i $311 2111 131) Anchor GI (450) 2 2241 22 12 37 21 Areb Mid (756) 1 3211 321i 321i 11 105 97 Arm Del of (7) 2 101 101 101 Ali 341 Arm 111 I I Ali Ali 63fi 11 60 3334 Arm 111 pr pt I 44 49 49 1tt AA 3134 Armstrng Ck 175D) 401i 40 40 13 713 Arnold Con (62130) I 1114 1114 1114 as 1011 Artloom 1 117s P's 914 I- Al loll 5114 Ad Dry Gds 411 101s 914 101 14 AI It Assn fl 2nd pt 5 1911 )1014 n4 41271 21 Atchison 201 3Vi 31 71 50 Aids of (350G) D3 6214 14 301i 13 All Coast Line 11 281a 25 20 411 263t 54 All Gulf 11' 1 111 1811 19 1 WA IV Atlantic Ret (I) 7 Itti 211i 211i Dela 10414 Ati Ret pt 14) 2 100 1011 108 1 911 7 Atlas Corp (5D) Ali Ali Ali Wit 4341 Attie Corp pt (3) 2 4514 4 14 4514 It 71 30 Atlas Pow 0511() A 0111 RI Mill 127 118 Atlas Pow of (5) 1204 171Pi 170t4 (i 714 4' Ming Tack 1 7'4 74 7'4 1- a AIN 11a Auburn Auto 3 3 2711 2711 (1 8 To 31a Aviation Corp 7 las 7 11 6314 6234 0314 814 834 014 16 444 444 1118 1714 1714 13 15 13 2344 2518 2444 14314 1434 14514 1412 1414 1114 11 1044 1018 4418 6514 0412 1 44 4314 434 1434 1614 1044 0714 014 0714 22 22 2 3718 3112 314 1314 134 1314 8114 42 82 118 7 1 111 113 11314 3914 3014 3814 01 6104 6034 2414 24 2444 712 12 712 914 014 914 314 3 314 4- 212 212 212 234 2312 2334 2114 27 2718 2312 2512 2512 444 1 8I 4412 4414 4412 214 214 214 2114 2114 2114 714 712 11i 2114 27 2714 1 11 71 1314 1318 1312 2734 2018 27 4- 2214 22 2211 312 34 412 42 4018 4011 114 4414 4344 4314 1411 113ft 101i 104 -I-- 11012 1402 146'2 2018 2014 2044 40 1412 NO 1 11I4 1114 1114 1214 12 12 14 3016 3918 3916 4514 3418 3314 14 4014 8214 3212 14 1518 1514 1518 14 43341 0234 0234 14 1466 14448 10044 a 79111'': 1914 1918 114 142 114 14 112 141 143 414 Al4 14 -4- apt At '14 1 2 41 1 1 Is 114 s4 is 1 tm I 9 Illinois Cent 3M11 III Cent lease line (4) 19 1854 Industrial Ray (32561 0 MA Ingersoll Rend (1506) 3 87 Inland Steel (150G) 12 94 Inspiration Copper 7 234 In(erboro Rapid Tr I() 171e Inter Chem Cp COCO 33 90 Inter Chem (p pf 59 24 Intercon Rubber 7Ik Interlake Iron 111 Internet Acricol I 145 In Rus Maeh (MA) I 43)11 Int ter (180) 15 314 Intl Hydro Flee A 3 21) Int Mere Marine tot 5s Int Mining (306) 3 WI Int Nick Can (2) 44 125 Int Nickel Can pf (7) 2 (13a Int Pap 2514 Int Pap pf 314 Int Ry of Cent Am 39Ia Int CA pf MUM AO 19 Int Silver Mt Int Silver pf (AK) I STa Int Tel and Tel 19 4 Int for ct II 77 4 Interstate Rept St 5 Intertype (200) I 1 f15 004 61 ls 51 12 I 19 93 1914 Is 71 7 39 30i 301i 4 414 1:10 130 119 4- 14 1314 131i 1334 14 4914 4111i 410'14 41t 414 4'n 50 454 1974 3214 311 3112 144 105 105 185 P-1 5 4'4 cif 151 104 A14 1314 134 151 4 4- S'a 8 14 4 14 I 7'1 3 714 2'8 2112 11'4 94 34'4 27! 504 41 2112 911 414 3 1814 911 2 4 6012 35 144 $11 19712 72 13114 714 4 11 13'4 514 1114 714 9114 71 414 4 1114 33 1112 27141 15 45 3912 49 1311 43 21 104 814 11'4 514 471 4R14 36 91 75 I'm 103'2 14 7 214 4812 314 94 32'4 It 2014 8 12 21 1414 4 111n 411 1812 VA 214 14 24 1714 1614 712 a 14 162 1614 814 44 IR 65 h0114 1194 11? 4114 3114 196 117 11? 11114 19114 11'4 IV 1114 814 81'4 1812 1014 Pie Am Fish 3 012 Pacific Coast Cash30 Pacific Coast 1st of 10 Ws Pie Fin C000) I 1J'a p1 6 El (J) II 31 Pacific Light 43) 7 47'S Pacific Mills 4 194 Packard Motor 14 4 Pan-Am Air 4 11312 Panhandle 114 Paraffin)! Cos (2) 2 41 Param Pict (156) 119 102 Param Piet 1 pf (11) A Ail Param Pict 2 of CAO) Pia Park Utah Mines 4 214 Pathe Film 12 112 Patino Min Ent 1 Vis Penney t225G1 5 911s Penn Coal co*ke 3 312 Penn Dixie Cement 12 4's Penn Disie pf A A 31 Pen-a 650E) 70 2sis reap t250G) 2 4112 Pere 51arg pf CIO 3512 Pere Marti pr of 39 Petrol Corp (31161 a p's Pfeiffer Brew 150() 3 A's Phelps Dodge (75G) 4112 Ph Co A of (3) Sellerl 411s Phil to pf (A) 1 8312 30 Philip Morris (3A) 12 Mt Phillips Jones 2 Phillips Petrol t2) 2 45'1i) Pierce Oil of 1 812 Pillsbury flour (ChM 2 20 Pitts West Va By HO JR Pittsburgh Coal 3 71I Pitt co*ke Jr 7 1012 Pitt Screw Bolt 23 1012 Pitt rill I 15 Pittston Co A CIS Plymouth Oil 010A1 2 22 Poor Co 7 131S Porto Ric-Am Tob 8 2 3a Pressed Sti Car 111 1s Pres Sil Car 1 of 1 1514 Pres Sti Car 2nd pf 1 4112 Prot Gam 2A sdfl al4 pfd 50 117 Pub Si 1 (11i56) 002 Pub pr iN 1 155 Pub A 1 tiet- of Pub A S5 of i5i 9 1914 Pullman (156) 22 3As Pure Oil 17 912 Pure 0 5 of 15) 7A Purity Mk (65(i) 211 III 331i 133 1 $34 3i34 14 root 33 IOS Osi A's 414 1016 14 3 3711 14 I14 I 7136 14 I 431 234 14 934 1 312 412 -1- 1- 1 14 14 04 1'4 311334 1193 4 lit 5 5 I 451 4314 34 glz 29 29 IA IA 11 711 le 1014 frit 1010 Is 113 75 14 114 14 2134 22 13' i334 1514 1534 13 154 1514 12 13 4112 313 41334 117 117 12 1013 403 1 15134 131 i122 122 1117 107 3114 33114 91 4 Is 773 7 1536 IS 13 Th 14 ill Pa '1 1'4 1314 11's 1514 4- 11 Ills IP" 90 192 904 114 iv '8 11E4'3 11:113 10313 11 St! 1114 111s 1114 4 3 41's 113 1- 1 16I3 1614 WO 1 614 tii 1 114 1's 34 30'a 'a A14 5sa 'a 914 404 fill 01 117 1102 1163 It 1314 It lin lin ill lb 1211 1231 ass Aka 0ka lb MS 112 13 1111 1113 111i 14 ill" 1111 11'1 1114 1113 1114 231 11111 11114 I1114 -4- 114 0'a ale 1314 25 25 13 1234 13 30 3a 31 'TR Pit 134 1114 1312 4313 4- It 1093 1119I a 1103 14 143 02 at 3 01 Si? 7: I I014 laka lh 119 119 119 It 3:11 33 33 It II It 11'4 1114 2 1 7 4 2 214 211 16 Ps Lien 41 Co 11 84 312 I nnd Elliott 1130() 5 I2'a 8 Union 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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.