The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)

8 THE OTTAWA JOURNAL SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1960 The. Canadian Press Week-Declines outnumbered advances by 364 to 296 on Lew Close Change High Stock Sales High Close Change Toronto Stock Exchange this week. Issues unchanged Locana 91 Un Oils 33085 123 112 totalled 179. Volume for. the week was 9.781.000.

down Loeb 615 W. Wayne 12600 from the to previous 345.331,350. weeks 10.103.000. Total sales for Lon Hos 150 -150 Can 0G 1300 100 100 100 the year date (Quotations in cents unless MB PR 9545 Cda: OGw marked Leaf Mill 120 Woburne 9250 Weekly Price Range for Issues on Toronto Exchange INDUSTRIALS This Week Stock Sales Bligh Low Close Change High A and Abitibi Abitibl Acad-Att Agnew-S acad-Atl pr Alta Dist 1350 Alta Dist 700. Alta Gas 19339 Gaspr 476 Alta Gas wt Ale Cen 1 625 Algoma 3585 Alumini 14626 1 505 Alum 2 pr Analog 1660 Ang Pulp pr Argus 2120 Argus 2.50 575 Ash Temple 100 Ashdown 215 Atlas Steel 1473 Auto Elec Auto Fab Auto -Fab Bank Mont 2946 Bank 2953 Barcelona Bath Pow Bath Pow Beatty 2295 Beav.

Lumbr -110 Bell Phone 14587 Bowater pr 295 Bowat 51 pr. 260. Bowater 810 Bowstr 1271 Bowes 100 Brazil 53276 Br Tank 95 BA OIl 17680 BCE. 100 NCE BCE pr BCE pr ACE BC Forest 2625 BC Pack 1150 BC PoW 7538 BC Phone 2188 Brockville 200 Brown Build. Prod Burlington Cal Pow 5426 Can Bread Cem Can Cem CCC Stone Can Foils Can Foils CI Endry CI Can Malt Can Malt Pack A Pack 1000 Can Perm 385 CSL.

'Baks Bank Cdn Brew 1481 Br Alum 470 CBAL A 900 CBAL 400 Can Can 1217 Can Celan 2125 Cel 1.75p 511 Chem 2350 Chem 6100 Collier 2125 Colli 2125 Curt 4050 Dredge Fairbks Fairbks Prod 800 Prod Prod Sec Hydro Cr Can Ind Oil Oil 50 CPR 9596 Can Pet 1 947 Can Tire 310 Con Tire. A Util Can Wall CWN GA 275 Westng Col Cell 3240 Comb -Ent 530 Conduits Con 21249 Con Gas 75 Copp Clark Corby vt Corby Cosmos 230 Crain RL 1010 Crestbrk Crown Trust 160 Crush Lat 790 Crush pr Dist Seas 4175 Dom Ang 30 Bridge 1960 Dairies 1090 Dom Elec 1175 El 300 Fndry 3715 Dom Scot 175 Dom Scot 275 Dosco 185 Dom Stores 3125 odom Tar Dom Tar 500 Dom Text 985 Dow Brew 25 Econ Inv 150 Eddy A 125 Fam Play Fed Grain 500 Fleet Mfg 1500 Ford US 135 Foundta Frosst Fruehnuf Gatineau 991: Gat 5 pr Gat pr Gen Bake Dev 1710 Gen Dynam 103 GMC P. Drill 200 Drill A 1025 GS Wares .725 Globe A 2240 Goodyear 15 G. Mackay 100. Cr Toy 100 Paper 1025 GN GL Power 165 Gas 1420 GN Gas Pr 110 Gal42.80 95 GN Gas GN Gar Bwt GW GW Coal Coal A Great West Wpg Gas Gasvt Wpg 58wt Greening 400 Greyhnd 815 Hardee 2305 Hees Hendshot H.

Dauch Hi-Tower Holden 210 Holden Horne Pl 2310 Smith Har Erie Imp Bank Imp Invet A 2020 Imp Inv Pr 150 Imp 300 Imp Life 25 Imp Oil 9445, 4030 Imp Tob PE 2050 Ind Accep 4208 'Ae 2.25 Ac wis 1185 710 -Inland Gas 1675 Inid Gas wis 225 Int -Bronze 1 Bronte Pr -Int Util 150 Intprov Inter PL 5252 Intero St 3247 Inv Syn 35 Inv Syn Tre Gias Jamaica PS Jester son 2060 Jock Jock Jock 1000 Kelly A 1020 Kelly wis 1300 Kelvinator 120 Labalt Lafarge Lakeld Leinston Lauras Sec pe Lob Co A Los Lob 1060 785 610 Molson Mont Molson 1855 $62 Moore 7823 96 Nat Groe 174 Nat Drug 245 165 195 150 N. Hos Hos A St Car 1740 North St: pr 656 NO NGas 420 380 610 Nor Nor Pho Phone 17872 1630 415 0 to Ocean Cem Ont Loan Ont Steel $20 29 Oshawa Overid pr 4460 Parker 300 350 350 350 Page Hers 5370 Poina 2040 PC Jewel 1900 380 250 Pow 450 Pres Premium Elect 1815 510 240 37 $61 530. 495 530 530 Gas 3267 47 ON Gas un 175 QN Gas 1130 210 175 475 Rapid Grip 110 21 Reichhold Reitman $17 17 Reitman 100 Robertson 200 Roe Royal Russell AV "Bank 1375 2630 2460 500 568 485 32 SIL. Corp 3618 SEL Cp AP 210 $99 Salada 2945 85 St Maurice 2585 Salda 473 Seythes 120 Seven Arts 7419 Selkirk 1000 14 Shawin Shawin Shawin 3172 100: $26 915 Silverwd $10 Simpson SKD Mig 270 270 270 Somville Southam 1695 Spartan 69450 26 and Spartan 20600 Stafford 510 400 St Pav $15 340 Stedman 32 Steel Can $66 Steinbg A $19 Ster Tr. Ster Tr 1150 Propane 300 Prop Saptest ord Switson 500 225 $47 to Tancord 100 300 300 300 Taylor PCP Texaco 548 521 Thornel 1860 37 Tor D.

Bak 1911 310 265 300 705. 260 Gen Tr 525 $43 16 Tor Elev 250 300 300 660 275 Tor Star 115 Fin A 2180 1 Fin $32 28. Fin 56 38 Fin $7 275 210 170 205 170 Tr Can PL 9527 Tans Mt 6105 Un Ace 25 Un Ace 106 $12 11 Un Gas 14959 $15 Un Gas 111 Un Gas 420 475 310 Corp $15 15 Corp $80 Un Steel $15 Vanadium 121 Vie Tr Wainwr 160 430 405 425 380 Walk GW 9649 Wat Equip 200 475 450 $99 99 99 Webb Knp 4943 300 265 285 $22 Westeel 290 $35 West Groc A $37 West Brew $34 Wat Groc pr $26 Plywood Weston Weston Wan 375 Wetn pr 6 8106 West 3500 $105 105 105 Wawd A 145- Wood A Zenith Woodwrd A Curb Ang Con 4520 $45 $11 Anglo-Nrid 1050 Asbestos 75 75 Am Bank CD Sug Ving Ving CG Inv $92 92 92 92 Paper $16 31 Glass 300 200 200 200 Int Pap 160 Oil Cloth $26 Dupont 1072 3 $30 26 Lob MacLarn Ine 1405 MacLarn MO Paper $13 $60 50. Price Ogilvie. Zeller'8 Br $9 $45 OILS to A and $34 $56 Acme Gas 1500 Rox 23780 Cons $48 33950 Aiminex 3170 155 Am Ledue 31616 Amurex 500 215 Anchor 30300 405 Bailey Asamera 1200 $100 100 Bailey 525 Bantf $106 106 Britalta 19300.

205 $13 and 37 Calalta 5300 75 Cal Ed 60 110 Calvan Can Calvert 2260 oil Lds 1300 $130 130 120 oil 1200 1300 $47 Pete 7800 600 510 Can Dev 83525 Ex Gas 28025 Homstd 5803 Husky 2430 Husky 11516 120 Williston Superior 4245 1000 Cent Del 20219 271 Wet 250 Dragon Pete 6550 6566 275 Dev-Pal 3149 Dome Pete 1010 Duvex 1000 Dynamic 8600 160 to $10 -10 Fargo 3919 Home Oil 3357 350 260 Home Oil' A 2230 355 340 340 310 Jump Pad 2200 Jupiter 1300 182 Pete 239000 Longpoint 7350 Majtrans 5000 Mayfair 1800 Medal 11416 Midcon 2000 Mill City 17665 Nat Pete .4700 401 31 Cont Davies 800 850 Northeal 60000 NC Oils 360 NCO Northid 1640 11 to 1 Okalta 2400 40 Pac pae Pete Pete 17748 10590 1050 600 1025 Palliser 345 245 Pamoll 12600 Permo pr: 13600 Perv Oils 700 110 Petrol 9300' Phillips 5200 220 Place 9000 245 204 Ponder 42350 Prairie Oil 2700 Provo Gas 22851 Quonto .9100 54 71 Ranger395 240' Reef Expl 1000 Rocky Pete 3882 to Royalite 1930 Sapphire Sapph debs Sarcee 3500 Secur Free 1200 South 425040 Spooner 1600. 6700 221 Submarine 3200 700 500 291 to Tidal Triad Ou 5065 Trans Can 9101 Masa 15140 Mans Maxwell 100 Mid Pac Mid West Milt Brick 200 Cont 370 160 155 210. 210 210 Wetates Decalla 300 Lease W. Naco Windfall 280 Van Can Curb Dalhousie SW- Pela 400 150 Abacus Advocate Agnico Akaltcho Alba Expl 50 Am-Lardr Am Nephe Am Larder Amal Rare Am Nephe Anacon Anglo. Hur Ang Ansil Arcadia 385 305.

Area 171 Atian C. Atlas Yk. -10 210 Attin-Ruf 35 Aumacho Aumaque Aunor 105 Bankeno Bankfield 15 Barnat Base Metals Baska B-DuqBeav. Lod I Belcher Bethlm Bevoon Bibla 98 Bidcop 650 Black Bay Bordulac 380 Bouzan Boymar Bralorne Brut Reef Brunswick Buffad Buff Ank 300 Buff RL Bunker Can Cmp Cable Camp Tungsten. Chib Astoria Chib Dyne Malart 450 Nwest 8 Inca Candore Can-Erin 360 Captain Cariboo Cassiar 250 Cent Pat 800 Cent Pore Chester Cheskirk Chib Chib-Kay Chime Chrom Coch.

WIll 381 Coin Met. Lake Coniagas Conlaurum Con-Key Bellekeno Callinan Con Cad Disevry Feh Con Gillies CG Arrow Marben Halliwell 255 C. Marcus 245 Con and Mogul 400 Mosher Morrison 550 Con Negus Northind Persh Red Pop Sannorm Conwest Cop Corp 10 Coprand Coulee Courvan Cowich 235 Craigmt Croinor Cusco Crowpat: Daering D' Aragon De Cour Deer Horn D'Eldona Deinite Denison Dome Donalda Duvan Amphi East Mal East Sull Elder Eidrich El Sol Falcon Faraday Fatima Frobisher Galtwin Geco Mines Genex Gnt Masct GL 8" Giant. Glacier Glenn Uran GF Goldray Grandroy Mining Granduc Gulch Gulf Lead Gunnar 315 Halinor Hard Rock Har-Min Hasaga of Lakes Headway Heath High-Bell I Hollinger Hoyle Had Bay Pam Ex Inspiration Int Moly Int Nickel Irish Cop Iron Bay Waite Jacobus Jaye Expl Jellicoe Joburke Joliet Jonsmith Kerr Jowsey Kenville Add Kilembe Kitem Kirk Min Kirk Town Kopan Labrador Lake Cin L- Dufault Lake Ling 180 On Shore La Luz Lamaque Langis 1350 Latin Am 10 900 -Leitch Lexindin LL Lac Lorado Lorado Louviet 1125 5816 43100 61000 2712 500 3 5 3 1500 1100 150 MINES and 8400 9075 370 13101 51 11000 401 3000 11300 1300 13050 1000 142800 52766 7000 8900 30375 167 163. 7900 7950 8700 13 17100 9450 4000 4 5531 22000 2006 293070 2000 22900 99695 14342 44950 400 37500 1100 145.

4200 6740 and 3533 15008 2700 165 8300 135 26542 24616 11900 14428 3166 2166 58250 55 51 52 2000 1300 94 113 2630 7415 140 34500 2500 80740 1500 1700 3100 1400 5850 -10 2874 2250 7500 1500 2000 14070 330 2406 16. 3500 6350 80768 62100 5292 105 7805 3920 3000 50101 190 190 1499 25200 1000 9500 9200 103000 210 14000 15666 23665 27300 3000 1600 3100 1000 13000 10 2000 11000 8600 10750 8900 9166 4221 6327 935 920 1025 18785 3900 4600 to 2850 8600 1500 2500 2951 6475 1300 31300 8214 14500 3370 38300 3100 7000 13000 5333 3500 130 120 4500 2500 71 23256 11000 10 100 250 12000 1100 140 1700 265 1320 250 1025 395 2060 2975 12100 8350 $481 n4 1400 112300 73700 3550 $100 31800 10550 9655 7500 5936 5500 17900 193 190. 190 2800 500 124025 35 38 43 to 2240 4600 6000 847 2682 13850 20200 140 12700 165 7100 6600 11600 3250 Lynx Macassa Mactle 14000 Macleod 10100 Madeen 17500 290 Magnet 258000 Malartle Maneast Man Bar Maraigo 5000 Marcon Maritime Martin 67450 Malatch 4500 61 I Mattagami 125 Maybrun 5500 Mcintyre 2385 2450 McMar 12210 Me Wat 6000 Mentor 16200 Merrill -11600 Meta Uran 7000 Stock Midrim Min Corp Min-Ore I MI Wright Multi-M Murray Nama Cr. Nat Expl Nealon Nes Lab New New Ath New Bid New Delhi Dicken Harri New Hosco New Jason Kelore I Newlund Man Mylam NewnorNew Rouyn Senator, New Taku Nick Nipissing Nor Acme Noranda Norbeau Norgold Noriartic Norpax Norayne. Cidatrm Northgate Giderst Rank Norsp A Norvalle Nudul 145 31 36 -This Sales Close 8900 520 3500 100618 3700 79050 19200 2000 11300 6500 4037 5500 2100 11356 625 68500 3000 206200 16370 3500 51900 2000 4000 1000 7462 3300 7500 4717 4000 9600 13500 2700 $1500 11895 '3375 15168 1500 5000 3000 0 to 52000 3500 59500 40100 8970 3 575 500 3100 5900 39000 2278 MONTREAL Obaska O'Brien Oka Rare O'Leary Opem Orchan: Orenada Ormaby PamourParamo Pardee Patino Patino The Canadian Press Montreal Stock Exchange Complete tabulation of Friday transac10 tions.

Quotations ad cents -Ex-dividend, unless marked 51 rights, Net Stock Abitibl Abitibi 100 Algoma 1750 Alumin 2402 Alum Alum 2 pr Ang Asbestos Bail 100 Bank Mont 1014 Bank NS 210. Banque CN 210 $51 Banque PC 3964 Bath Pow 100 Bell Phone 2471 Bo Cor 220 Bwtr Mer pr Brazil 6314 Bewater re 1680. BA Oil BCE BCE. BCE 5 Pr BCE DE BC Forest BC Power BC Phone Cal Pow Can 'Cem Can Cem. Can Iron CSL CSL Aviation $19 Br Abu Bk Com $531 Brew $38 Bronze Cel $20 Cel.

100p Fairbks Husky 325 525 CIL $15 15 CPR C.Pet pr Coghlin Columbia 400 Con and Con Textile 100 Credit Fonc $101 D- Dist Seag 845 Bridge Fndry Fndry: Glass Glass Stores Dow Tar Text Brew $45 3 Pont Eddy V6undatn Fraser Pap $57 Gatineau Gen Dynam ad. GL Gen Paper Mira Home Oil Home Oil Smith 15 Hud Bay Imp Bank Inv OIL Imp Tob Ind Accep 100 Ind A C. 275p Inind pr Int Nickel 625 Int Util Intprov Jamaica $27 Labatt Loeb Lower MB and PR $14 Mass Fer 191 Mass 100.8100 100 100 Molson A 106 Moison Molson MI LOcO Nat St Car Ogilvie $40 Light Pac Pete Page "Hers Price Br Nat Gas 1000 Que Epw Reitmans 575 Reitmans Roe AV Can 10 Rolland pr Royal Bank St Cem 210 St Corp 1150 101 Shawin 155 Shawin Simpsons 1575 Std Str Steel Steel Steinbe Can A Tor Dom Bk 125 $53 53 Tr Pipe 2130: Walk GW 1000 CANADIAN Listed Stocks Alscope 7500 Ang Pulp 5210 Angio NfId 215 Arno 2000 Atlas Telef 6250 Augustus 2300 Avalon Tel 2100 Bailey A 200 520 520 20 I Bateman 1000 Bichasse 1100 Belle Chib 5000 3 Bayville 5200 191 240 Burnt Collieries 100: Kodiak 1500 250 I Canorama 1900. I Chemalloy Chib Cpr Chipman 7000 I Cleveland 10 Que Yell 1000 C. Vanze 7400 110 Crisade Pet Dolsan 2000 405 Dom Lease 112 Oilcloth 110 10.

$117 East Suit Gaspe Oil: 2500 Gold Age 1300 Haitian. 4000 High 1010 110 17 5. High Low Pate 255 Pee Expl Peerless Pickle. Cr Pitch Ore Placer Pow Rou Preston Pros Air 1344250 Purder 6000 Que Ascot 10467 Que Chib 10425 Que Cop 117700 Metal 14734 Que Lith 1000 Que Man 2000 A Qunston 929 Quemont 2195 Radiore 9500 Rainville 1000 Rayrock 60740 Realm 3800 Renable 100 175 Rexspar 11400 Rio Rup 1500 Rio Alg 11261 765 Rix Athab 4800 Roche 28500 Rockwin 81250 Rowan Cons 5650 San Ant 48132 Sand Riv Ryanor. 940325 A Satellite 14950 Sherritt 29460 Sigma 410 Sil Miller 5382 Siscoe 11075 Stanrek Starrat 16000 Steely 5000 Steep 23421 Sturgeon, 5000 Sud Cont 1700 Sullivan 4510 152 Sunburst 19550 Sylvanite 10885 to Taurcania I Taurcan TecktH 170 Tensag 3200 135 I Territory 113260 Thom 11600 Tiara 3000 31 Close Change Bligh Steel 255 285 Tombill 19 Towag Trans Res Tribag Ult-Shaw 102 0 Mining Asbestos Un Keno Un Fort 515 Upp Can 174 Vandoo 71 Ventures Ventures deb Vespar 51 Violam 350 Waite Am I Weedon Werner Malar 810 Surf Willroy Will wta Wiltsey Winch 175 Wr.

Harg: Vale Lead Yellorex Yk Bear Young HG Yukeno Zenmae Zulapa Curb Bulolo Gaspe 3 100 Pend Yukon Ore Con Lead WEEK'S Brazil Cons Gas 1325 Alta Gas BA oul Mass South Long Isl Dev Van Can Ponder 255 Pros Air Ryanor Bideop Magnet Atlin Ruf Speculators Trigger-Happy' By JOHN PICTON down Canadian Press Staff. Writer 1.9 at Another week older and deeper in debt-that's the many trader these days in stock market of almost overcautious investors and trigger happy speculators. So -trigger-happy are these speculators, in fact, that the whisper of a discovery this week sent Prospectors' Airways up to increase of 56 centson sales of more than 1,250,000 shares. During the week, the stock hit high of $1.74, when ers bailed out to bring the stock back to a wait-and-see level. On index, however, base metals were lower- .46 at 151.07 -while industrials jumped 6.69 at 490.25, golds retained lead of 1.04 at 86.95 -they were losing strength at the end of the week -and western oils gained .78 at 84.20 after sessions.

Foreign. Influence The fourth quarter business period, diplomatic tantrums at the United Nations and the pending States presidential elections all crowded investors' minds with doubt to impede what otherwise might have been stronger week industrials. Gas stocks were slow, while refining oils moved higher behind British-American, up $1.35. and pipelines reacted to news of increase in oil deliveries in the last reported month. Papers were a disappointment with the easing in the dollar exchange rates--now around two per cent.

Steels saw little activity to suggest the industry is working at 83 per cent of rated capacity, still well ahead of American mills. Banks were easier. Senior coppers acted mildly, while 10 juniors in the group hit record lows. Western Oils Quiet Golds saw the odd flurry among the senior producers while, among uraniums, Gunnar moved ahead strongly now that the company has retired its debentures. Western oils were quiet, Great Plains gaining a point Friday.

Of the 839 issues traded at Toronto this week, 296 advanced, 364 declined and 179 were unchanged. Final volume at Toronto this week was 9.781,000 shares compared with the 10,103,000 shares traded last week. of the 339 issues traded Montreal this week, 85 advanced, 120 declined and 134 changed. Index changes Montreal: Banks up .10 at. 54.92, utilities 190 500 Labrador Lingside 1000 Lith Corp 2500 'Lowney McIntyre Mid Chib Jack 5000 Santiago 1000 Paw Opem Exp 2300 Portridge 37000 Paudash 2000 10 10 Porcupine 6000 Que Cobalt 500 245 Que Smelt 2000 St River 2415 St Maurice Tache Tazin' 1000 Tr Corp U.

Prin Prop 2600 Vanguard 12500 Virginia 13000 Stocks Alta Tak BI Cop 5000 Sux 2106 Can Pack 50 Dev. 390 Marconi Cent Rio 360 Cons Paper. Cons Gas Giant YK Gunnar Hollinger Kelly A Kerr A64 Moore Mylama Que Cop Rayrock Russell Un San Trans Windsor Fin Gas MI Antonio Hot 142 Total Industrials mines and oils 220,600. I Change 2834 1000 1000 37500 2172 3000 2750 2312 104 7850 12950 1070 3500 4000 2000 5060 19100 1200 103 107400 4000 5500 101 .11300 2500 4000 2340 1000 1000 15860 31550 4500 500 17 2680 600 $45 575 $1856 475 1800 MOST ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS INDUSTRIALS 53276 495 425 470 $1 350. 19339 17680 15140 $9 OILS 425840 239000 83525 61000 42350 A MINES 174 293070 258000 136800 WALL STREET 221.6, and 307,208 week; with .40 at 140.00; industrials up 262.5, combined up 1.10 at papers up 4.10 at 445.80.

golds up 9.20 at 71.26. Week's volume: Industrials. compared with 299,469 last mines, 993,734 compared 977,437. London Stocks LONDON. Stocks closings: Aluminum Ltd.

Anglo NAd. Dev, 48a 9d: Bowater Paper Corp. 588 Brit. Alum, 688 9d; Brit. Petrol Co.

52s: Can Pac. Courtaulds, 578: Distillers, 44s Dunlop, 280 Ford. 976 Gen. 388 6d: Hawker Siddeley, 35 Hudson's Bay, 1554: Imp. 71s 6d: Monsanto 308 9d; Rio 11s 6d: Shell, 134.

1. 9d; Unilever Tinto, 318 Rootes Motors. 151; United Steel 845 Vickers, 31s Woolworth, 805 LIVE STOCK LIVE STOCK Cattle deliveries at public markets were down this week and demand on most classes and grades of slaughter cattle was only fair. the Agriculture Department ported Friday. Cattle receipts at the 11 public stockyards.

up to Thursday this week were 28.500. drop from last week but 500 more than in the corresponding week year ago. All of the week's losses were registered in Western markets, Prices of steers and heifers were generally steady to much $1 lower. Feeder cattle were rood 50 demand at higher prices to 75 varying cents cents lower. The weekly livestock report said that the quality of the cur rent week's offerings.

does not show much improvement and the over-all rating is expected to be only when 444 per cent above last choice week graded and good. Exports of. beef cattle to the United States, last amounted to 2.466 bringing the total movement south up to Oct. 1 to 102.134 compared with 173.150 for the same period last year. Good steers: Toronto, steady to $1 lower, 22-23: Winnipeg, steady, Calgary, steady to 25 cents lower.

19.50-21. Good heifers: Toronto, down $1. 10-20: Winnipeg, unchanged, 10.50- 20.50; Calgary, 17.50-19. Good cows: Toronto, down or to 50 cents higher. 4 Winmore.

14.50-15: Montreal, steady niper. down: 50 Calgary, down 50. cents, 13.50- 14.30. Good bulls: Toronto, down 50 steady. 17 Winnipeg, down 14-15: Calgary closed 50-75 cents lower, Good feeder steers: Toronto, caster.

21-22: Winnipeg, strong to 50 cents higher. 18-20: Calgary, steady to 50 cents lower. Saskatoon, steady, 18.75-10.25. Bell Plans Pembroke Building PEMBROKE. (CP) Angus A.

Campbell said Friday that construction of new $150,000 workshop building for the -Bell Telephone. Company, will start here next week. He said the project had been delayed since early this yearfirst with legal technicalities, then with problems between the municipal and provincial governments. Tax revenue from the building was. estimated by Mayor Campbell at $4,000 a year.

Ottawa Firm Gets 2 USAF Contracts Canadian Commercial Corporation, 56 Lyon street, has received two U.S. Air Force contracts totalling it has been announced Colonel Robert V. Kifkland, Director of Procurement and Production, Rome Air Materiel Area, Rome, NY. contract for $437,261 is for technical non personal services at Pinetree sites. The other contract for $67,272 is for general purpose telephone cable.

By The Associated Press New York Stock Exchange Oct. (ad Ex dividend, ar Ex-rights, Ex-warrants.) 1. Stock Sales Clese ACE Ind 1400 Addressog Allegany Allis Ch 3600 Amerada 10400 Am Can 10000 Am Cyan 7500 Am 15000 Smelt Std Am Tel 13500 Anaconda Armco St Armetg Ck 44 Babco*ck Balt Ohio Beth Steel 14600 Boeing 8100. Borden Borg War Bucy Erie Budd Burl Ind Burroughs 3000 Calumet Can Dry CPR Case 2600 Cater Trae 3400 Celanese Chance Vet Ches Ohio 1900 Chrysler 11700 Cities Sve 11300 Clevite Coca Cola CBS Coml Solv Con Ed 1600 Container 3100 Cont Can Con Copw Steel Crane Co Grown Zell Curtiss Wr 1500 Deere 8800 Dist Seag Dome Douglas Dow Chem 1800 PI Du Pont 1854 East Kod 3900 Eaton Mig El Auto El Paso NG 9200 Firestone 4100 Ford 10200 Fruch Tra 2800 Dyn 5800 Gen Elec 11000 Gen cods 1600 Gen Mills 1600 Gen Gen Glidden Goodrich Tire Mirs 10100 21900 7200 900 Goodyear 4700 Gr Pa ige 300 GL A and 3000 Grand Un 1100 Gl Nor Ry 400 Gulf 28000 Hometk 3400 Hud Interlake Bay Int Harv Int Nick 5800 Int. Pap 4000 Int Tel 5800 Johns Man 1500 Kennecot Kresge Kroehler Loew's Thea 1200 1-S.

Marsh F14 300 Martin 5400 Merck 4600 Minn MM Minn Ont Monsan Ch Nat Dist 5800 Nat Avi. AF 1300 Mont Ward Nat Cash Nat Gyps ...900 Cent NY NH Nor Oho Oil 1900 Outb Mar 4900 Parke Da 6000 Penn. BR 6800 Phelps 2400 Philco 4900 Phillip Mor 1200 Pit. Plate 2300 Proc Gam 2000 121 Pullman 700 RCA 13600 Repub St 6500 Rey Tob 4700 Royal. Dut 12300 Sehll Oil 2700 Sears Roeb 3600 2 'Sheraton 300 Sinclair 10000 Socony 7200 Sperry 12900 Std Brand 1400 Sid oil Cal 7500 Sid Oil Ind 6000 Oil NJ 39900 Stud Pack 6200 Sun Texaco 5600 Tex.

Sulphr 10200 Thiokol Tidewater 5600 Timken 1000 Twent 5500 Un Carb 115. 113 Utd Aire Utd Corp 12500 Gyps 1200 US Rubber 1600 US 11500 Vanadium 1700 Un Tel 3400 Westhse 10100 600 Dividends Declared By The Canadian Press Dominion Oil Cloth and Linoleum Co. 20 centa, Oct. 31,. record is Oct.

Great West Coal Co. class cents, Nov. 15, record Oct. 31. Loblaw common, 10 centa, Dec.

1, record Nov. 18. is Journal Want Ads bring quick results. A.

The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2024)


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.